As part of the planning and preparation for CDC’s 2011 National HIV Prevention Conference (NHPC), we reached out to the staff of our CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) project to lend their expertise with social media outreach. Through our social media channels and activities we promoted the conference, informed followers of key deadlines, and assisted with networking for attendees and non-attendees.Using social media also facilitated our sharing of resources and … [Read more...]
Social Media for the National HIV Prevention Conference
October 19, 2011 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AIDS - H.I.V. Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, AIDS,, CDC, CDC in partnership, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV, NATIONAL HIV PREVENTION CONFERENCE, NHPC, social media, Twitter
NHPC 2011: Connecting HIV Prevention Professionals through Social Media
January 25, 2011 by admin
2011 NHPC: Connecting HIV Prevention Professionals through Social Media NATIONAL HIV PREVENTION CONFERENCE ALTANTA, GEORGIA AUGUST 14-17,2011 The 2011 National HIV Prevention Conference (NHPC) will be held in Atlanta, August 14-17. The conference will contribute to achieving the three major goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, and these goals are reflected in the conference theme; “The Urgency of Now: Reduce incidence. Improve access. Promote equity.” We want you to share your … [Read more...]
Filed Under: AIDS - H.I.V. Tagged With: 2011, advice, AIDS, ATLANTA, AUGUST 14-17, care, children, conference, education, gender, GEORGIA, health, HIV, NATIONAL HIV PREVENTION CONFERENCE, NHPC, PROACTIVE, social media, treatment, U.S.A., women.