The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Dear Companions along the Way: After a full day of accumulated errands, through heavy traffic, with many excellent yields, I fell asleep on the couch early in the evening. In the wee hours of the morning, I awakened, to find SJG had covered me, but I was dry mouthed and still very tired, slightly bound by my clothing. To bed and in a steady, but gradual deepening, I was off to sleep, with … [Read more...]
LISA POOL: The White Elephant: 4 Tips to Balance Yourself and Overcome Doubt
December 15, 2011 by
The White Elephant: 4 Tips to Balance Yourself and Overcome Doubt By Lisa Pool White Elephant; a burdensome possession or task; creating far more trouble than it’s worth. Well that doesn't sound at all pleasant now does it? The story of the white elephant as history tells, is this rare creature was regarded as sacred and holy in ancient times in many Asian countries. To possess a white elephant was a very expensive undertaking, with the owner required to feed the … [Read more...]