3 Ways to Cleanup Digital Clutter

Does a dirty kitchen stress you out? Do you go crazy when your kids don’t pick up their rooms? Does a table filled with mail and junk give you a bit of anxiety. Sure, clutter can be a source of stress. Research from Psychology Today cites that clutter kicks our senses into overdrive, makes us anxious and sends signals to our brain that our work is never done. Now, it’s not just physical clutter that can elicit these feelings. Digital clutter can do the same. Here’s how you can clean up your … [Read more...]


Involvement in team sports helps kids learn to work together, encourages physical activity over more sedentary pursuits and can give your child a sense of belonging when he’s accepted by his teammates. A child who is stuck playing a sport he doesn’t enjoy, however, may not reap the same benefits as his more eager teammates. When your child approaches you with pleas to allow his mid-season resignation from the team, your first instinct may be to deny him. After all, sticking it out through the … [Read more...]

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