A Celebration of Women™ is elated to finally Celebrate the Life of one of our world's award winning entertainers, earning herself a long list of credits that include being Executive Producer, Producer, Director, Host, and writer in different aspects of the entertainment industry which include live stage show, commercials, music videos, various sports related documentaries, film and television shows. This powerhouse is also a global re-known feminist working not only for women's rights, … [Read more...]
Luxury Brands and the secondary market … , Lorre White
January 16, 2013 by
Luxury Brands and the secondary market; why is it important for luxury brands to be familiar to those that are not their primary customer and how luxury marketing plays a role. Certain luxury items like designer fashion, cosmetics, perfumes, skin care, etc., although in the luxury sector, have predominantly aspirational consumers because of the lower price point. People can save up to buy a purse, a suit, sunglasses or shoes, but they cannot save up to buy a $60 million dollar jet, yacht, … [Read more...]