Some people go to work to make money. I go to work to have fun... and the money is a bi-product of what I do. My work "is" fun. I truly love it. I have a sign in my office that says, "If it feels like work, you must be doing something wrong," something I heard my friend and professional speaker, Larry Winget say when we worked together many year ago. There is nothing like "feeling alive" when you do what you love. It took me years to find the perfect work for me. Other than a few contract … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day, A Strawberry Malt and 3 Squeezes, Please!
May 12, 2013 by
NOTE: This story was written to honor Larry's mother's memory and was featured in the New York Times best-selling book, "A Second Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul." The story appears on page sixteen of the book. My mother used to love strawberry malts. It was a thrill for me to drop in to see her and surprise her with her favorite refreshment. In her later years, both my mom and dad lived in a life-care retirement center. Partially due to the stress of my mom's Alzheimer's condition, … [Read more...]