CelebrateLove – ‘Some Things Can Be Fixed. . . Others Must Heal‏’

Some Things Can Be Fixed. . . Others Must Heal Thom Rutledge, Guest Author Are you a fixer? When someone tells you a problem they are having, do you immediately feel the need to offer advice? Is it difficult for you to just listen to someone who is in distress, to just be there for them without knowing precisely what to say or do? Are you uncomfortable with anything being in limbo? Are you addicted to certainties? Does your self-esteem depend on your ability to make things right for … [Read more...]

What to Do? What to Do? Thoughts on the Dilemma of Choice! – Part 1

        Life is what happens to us while we are deciding what we want to do with our life.    We may be wise to design a plan that will free us up to "happen to life" instead of the other way around. When we know we need to be doing something different we most certainly will be confronted by all the reasons why we think we can't. They are reasons why disguised as excuses. They are, in reality, one and the same. There are only results or reasons why. The reasons why are called excuses. The … [Read more...]

CelebrateLove – A “relationship bucket list”

    A "relationship bucket list" requires that you focus on your relationship; that you come up with a list of things that you would like to do together.   Everyone's list is different and unique...     Unlike the movie, "The Bucket List," staring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman you will not be making the list because you (or your relationship) is about the kick the bucket. In the movie, two terminally ill cancer patients, they take back control of their lives by creating a list of things … [Read more...]

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