INNER WHISPERS – Appreciate the Freedom

Appreciate The Freedom "This day is brand new. This moment is fresh and clean. The future is a blank canvas that is ready for you to create. Life is filled with twists and turns that often derail the best of souls. Resolve in this moment to continue your journey by honoring the gifts you have been given. If you have fallen off the path, decide to reestablish the connection that fills your heart with gladness. It is never too late to realize your … [Read more...]

FRIENDSHIP DAY ~ Celebrate on August 7, 2011

  Friendship Day Celebrate on August 7, 2011     Friends are the greatest possession of life. A true friend is like a guiding light like who becomes the motivational force behind your success in life. So, in order to commemorate this wonderful relationship, we celebrate ‘friendship day’. Quite often people miss out on this wonderful day just because they don't know the exact date. Since there is no fixed date of Friendship Day, people tend to keep wondering as … [Read more...]

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