From plastic surgery, up to and including the injection of toxic chemicals into our faces, to the Balkanization, if not outright exile of those over a certain age. The rendering of people, mostly women over 45 years of age to almost invisibility by the mass media. It is plain to see that we as a whole are not dealing with the natural progress of aging well. This was not always the case. There was a time when those who had managed to survive a remarkably harsh world were regarded … [Read more...]
(Wo)manifesto for all Crones and Crones-in-training
September 23, 2012 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: Contributors, INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO, SPIRITUALITY, WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World! Tagged With: (Wo)manifesto for all Crones, A Celebration of Women, a woman's three stages, Balkanization, crone, Crone-cycle-of-life-stones, Crones-in-training, flourite, maiden, Mother, the sacred three, woman, women.