Why Most Sexual Assault Cases are Not Reported

One of the most traumatizing experiences is being sexually assaulted. There is so much shame surrounding sexual assault that most cases go unreported. Of all the sexual assault incidences, less than 30% are reported. Why the number is this low and what can be done to improve this? This article will try to answer that question and offer a solution. Sexual assault victims do not have the same reason for not reporting. However, here are some reasons that make them not come forward. 1. Victims … [Read more...]

3 Ways to Get Back on Your Feet After an Injury or Illness

Disturbances to your everyday way of life and routine in the form of an illness or injury can suddenly put your whole life on hold, and even have you reevaluating your way of living in serious circumstances. It can be very overwhelming to go through a painful experience with an injury or to suffer through an illness that sees you feeling very dependent on others. It takes time and care to return to your normal self, and these 3 tips can help you get back on track. 1. Prioritize Your Mental … [Read more...]

What to Do if You Are Struggling with a Mental Disorder

Mental disorders cover a wide range of conditions that a great number of people are exposed to throughout their lives, from mental health issues such as depression and anxiety to addiction disorders related to drugs or alcohol. If you believe that you are showing the signs of a mental disorder, it is important that you seek help straight away and that you do not ignore any of the symptoms that you are experiencing. · Find Treatment The best step to take when experiencing a mental disorder … [Read more...]

How to Avoid Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne is pretty much self-explanatory: it is acne characterized by flare-ups caused by hormonal fluctuations. And although these fluctuations, and thus, the occurrence of acne, are more common during puberty and teenage years, hormonal acne can, unfortunately, affect adults of any age. Some studies revealed that around 50 percent of women ages 20 to 29 suffer from acne, in addition to about 25 percent of women ages 40 to 49. While treating hormonal acne altogether may be a difficult … [Read more...]

“How Do Stress Affect Women?”

With how fast-paced the world has become, everyone is always stressed trying to keep up. However, the stress has become especially overwhelming for women. Trying to juggle between a career, a home and kids, all while taking care of their health, physique and overall appearance to keep up with the world’s beauty standards can become a little too much. How does Stress Affect Women? There are many ways that women get affected by being stressed. Sometimes the strain of life shows on their … [Read more...]

5 Things Women With Breast Cancer Want Their Friends to Know

Within the past decade, breast cancer has increased so much that unfortunately, there’s always a friend or a friend of a friend we know to be fighting that battle. It’s already a burden to deal with and a struggle on its own. That’s why it’s important for friends and family to not only be supportive, but also be prepared to deal with the situation at hand in the best possible way. Here are a few tips every breast cancer fighter would want their friends to know: Be Positive It’s … [Read more...]

Healthy Ways For Women To Deal With Stress

There is absolutely no doubt that the world is a stressful place. While many believe that men have more pressure on their shoulders, this is easily debatable. After all, a lot of women have more responsibilities than their male counterparts. If they do not take caution, there is a good chance that their stress is going to overwhelm them. Stress can be very detrimental to your health. It is something you need to be very careful about all of the time. Below, you’re going to discover healthy ways … [Read more...]

Follow These 5 Tips & Stand Up for Yourself in Any Situation

Do you find yourself going with the flow all too often because you want to avoid conflict? Would you like to be more confident in making your views or desires known? When you let people walk over you too often, it can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. It can also lead to harmful feelings of insecurity and lacking in self-worth. Standing up for yourself if not something that comes naturally to everyone. Indeed, some people struggle with it throughout their lives. It is, however, a skill you … [Read more...]

Finding the Right Doctor in Maryland for Natural Treatment

Medical marijuana has been on the rise for the past few years, especially in Maryland. Being one of the relatively recent states to approve medical marijuana, the residents are still trying to find themselves a doctor that will stay with them for the rest of their marijuana treatment. So, how do you find the right doctor in Maryland? Just read on to find out more about the process and other valuable information that you will need when you find one. Where Are They? Finding a good doctor … [Read more...]

Common Factors Behind Alcoholism In Women

The past decade has witnessed a significant effort being put into studies that attempt to uncover the lid on the possible causes of alcoholism in women. The main reason why these studies are being done is that more and more women are turning to alcohol than men. This is a worrying trend. While it is not possible to pinpoint the exact pattern of drinking in people, alcoholism, on the other hand, is caused by several factors. Secondly, alcoholism can affect anyone gender, age, body type, … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Improve Your Life with Minimum Effort

Who doesn’t want to live life to the fullest? Yet, so many people, especially women, are settling for lives that don’t make them happy and that leave them feeling stressed. In fact, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), women are twice as likely to suffer from depression or anxiety than men. We all deserve better. Regardless, many women still struggle to find the time, money, or energy to make a real positive change. It’s easy to feel stuck in a rut nowadays. … [Read more...]

The Best Ways to Unwind

Once Christmas is out of the way, it can seem like all the stress has been lifted. While this may be somewhat true, it is, however, not always the case. Stress can appear at any point. There are, though, many ways to help you unwind. Here are only a few of them. Enjoy a Reed Diffuser After a busy day at work, a long commute home, or a couple of hours of intense shopping, nothing will feel better than returning to a beautifully-scented home. A Pairfum reed diffuser offers a calming, … [Read more...]

Find Your Independence with Alternative Housing

Buying your own home, on your own terms, is a gigantic step towards taking control of your life. Sadly, many women are still trapped under an unwelcoming roof, and seem to find no means to purchase a house. The Canadian estate market is currently slow, with an overall decrease of 2.9% as of November, 2018. In a male dominated society, it can be challenging and even frightening for women to buy a house, especially if they have kids to consider. Luckily, there are alternative housing options … [Read more...]

Tips on How to Start a Healthier Lifestyle

Choosing to stay healthy is a conscious choice people need to make. The modern world we live in now is full of unhealthy food and lifestyle choices, so we need to educate ourselves so that we can make better choices, prevent diseases, and live longer and healthier. 1. A healthy weight is the key Maintaining weight within the normal range can be difficult for some, especially if they've been living a sedentary lifestyle for a while or all their lives. But if you start with something small, … [Read more...]

What to Do When You’ve Outlived Your Husband

Widowhood is a feminist issue. While 14.9% of men over 65 are widowed, this number rises to 45.2% for women. Due to hundreds of years of tradition, women may have become dependent on their husbands, both financially and emotionally. In the unfortunate and regrettable event that you lose your spouse, are you ready to enter the next stage of life? Preparing yourself for this new era of independence may be daunting, but it is a necessary part of life for many women entering their golden … [Read more...]

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