Female at the Forefront of Male-Dominated iGaming Industry

The history of gambling has always been dominated by men—from the top casino executives to the dealers and players. The rise of women empowerment in the past few decades has led to the involvement of more women in the gambling industry. Even with this, it can be said that the gambling industry is still largely male-dominated. But this does not stop women from performing crucial roles within the gambling sector, which has seen a surge in demand over the past several years, with iGaming or … [Read more...]

Women’s Issues for 2021 and What You Can Do About Them

It’s true women's rights have improved since the suffragette movement in the 20th century. But there is still a tremendous need for upgrades when it comes to women's issues. A big reason reformation is slow to manifest in policies is due to female underrepresentation about leading issues women face in societies around the world. Now more than ever women are taking control of female-centric topics that are too often overlooked in government. Here are a few honest insights about issues today … [Read more...]

Do Women Receive Less in Workers’ Compensation Claims?

Is it a level playing field when it comes to workers’ compensation claims for on-the-job injuries, disabilities, or other equally debilitating health issues? It’s a reasonable question to ask for women who sometimes feel unfairly judged or treated differently from their male counterparts. State Programs Don’t Always Treat People Equally One case in 2016 was particularly interesting. Leticia Gonzalez was a knowledge worker who used a PC for 17 years at her job. That was until the pain to … [Read more...]

Simple Ways to Uplift Your Self-Esteem

As women, we often find ourselves being much harder on ourselves than anyone else, and we frequently seem like our own worst critics. The combination of negative self-talk and external pressures from the outside world can have quite a detrimental impact on mental health and can slowly erode your sense of self-esteem and worth over time. If you’re finding that it’s difficult to believe in yourself as much as you’d like to, then read on for some tips to help you improve your … [Read more...]

Truth About Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

DSS Law Firm Reveals the Truth About Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Black Lives Matter and the #MeToo movements have come together to highlight harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment has hit the headlines leading to major cases against powerful figures. DSS Law has stepped in to reveal the truth about sexual harassment in the workplace. This New Jersey law firm highlights the fact that harassment lawsuits have risen by 50% in 2018. Victims are more willing to speak up. That … [Read more...]

Women Leading the Conversation: the Power of Female Platforms

How often do you see a mosaic of talking heads on a news show or a panel of speakers at a conference and think to yourself, “well, those are all men”? It happens very often. So often, in fact, that a popular Twitter profile was created just to tweet the exhaustive list of ongoing examples. In more egregious instances, the panels or news segments are about women’s issues, which makes their exclusion all the more baffling and angering. In order for there to be true gender equity and equality, … [Read more...]

5 Women Who Led The Way In Sports And Games

Sports and games are sometimes presented by the media as a uniquely male pursuit. It might be true that men usually get paid more than their female counterparts when it comes to sporting or gaming endeavors, but that doesn’t mean that they’re more skilled or competent. The gender balance of sport today might be better than it was at the turn of the century, but there’s still a lot of work to do before we reach parity. For that to happen, we’re going to need a few more female sporting pioneers to … [Read more...]

How Women Received the FULL Vote

The women’s suffrage movement remains as poignant a piece of history today as much as ever. Comparing Britain and the United States, it is clear that the subject is one that concerns race and social status as much as it does gender. The key events of suffrage in Britain and the United States can be viewed through numerous old newspapers, but a summary of this timeline can be read below. Ever since the 1832 Reform Act, all men over the age of 21 had the right to vote in the UK. The only caveat … [Read more...]

Is Starting a New Business more Difficult as a Woman?

Whether or not women face inequality in the business world is a controversial topic. The data undoubtedly shows that women only represent 5% of the fortune 500 CEOs. Some argue this is because of innate gender differences, which of course, there are biological differences but it’s unclear just how big those differences are and to what extent choice accounts for those CEO numbers. The problem is that this is coming at it from the wrong angle. It doesn’t matter what share of something is women, … [Read more...]

Why Most Sexual Assault Cases are Not Reported

One of the most traumatizing experiences is being sexually assaulted. There is so much shame surrounding sexual assault that most cases go unreported. Of all the sexual assault incidences, less than 30% are reported. Why the number is this low and what can be done to improve this? This article will try to answer that question and offer a solution. Sexual assault victims do not have the same reason for not reporting. However, here are some reasons that make them not come forward. 1. Victims … [Read more...]

The Undeniable Importance of Education for Women and Girls in 2020

All women who hold positions of power and influence today have had some sort of education. Here's why education for women and girls is so important in 2020. Girls and women face unique barriers when it comes to education around the world. Social stigmas, cultural norms, poverty, and inequality are just a few. Yet the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that education is the legal right of all children and the right of all human beings. Girls make up 54% of the world's … [Read more...]

Why Women Need Weed

Marijuana is no longer a threatening gateway drug; it is a respected treatment for all sorts of serious diseases, and it is an essential tool for helping people relax and enjoy their lives. Peer-reviewed studies have found cannabinoids like THC and CBD to be exceedingly effective treatments for pain, digestive problems and neurological disorders, and users around the world say that cannabis products can help with anxiety, sleep issues and so much more. Rapidly, marijuana is becoming a … [Read more...]

Women That Have Changed The Face of Gambling

You can do your research and you will discover that the online gambling industry considered its main target audience to be males between the ages of 20 and 45. While this might be the case, if you do another simple search of the casino industry, you’ll find that the first three pages are about female gamblers addicted to the game. Women and get just as addicted to men can. Women enjoy the game just as much as men and women have made just as many changes in the industry as men. Take a look at … [Read more...]

The Top 5 Female Gamblers In History

Gambling is not just a niche interest for men. You might have thought it was, given the way that gambling companies have advertised to men in the past and the way that you're far more likely to find men sat around a poker table or stood in front of a slots machine than women, but isn't the case. There's no biological reason that men would be better at gambling than women, and nor has there ever been any shortage of successful female gamblers - it's just that they've never had as high a profile … [Read more...]

Why Boosting Women’s Role in Society is Important

Over half of the world’s population is women but sad to say we don’t have equal opportunities and resources as men. This is even though women have an important role in society. Without women, the world will not flourish and yet improving their lives is not a concern for many. Women Are the Pillars of Society If there is anything that can usher development better, it is the education and empowerment of women. Women wear many hats, and each is critical for personal and societal growth. She … [Read more...]

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