For the past few weeks we’ve been inviting you to share the Global Moms Relay, our once-a-year opportunity to help support campaigns that provide food, health services, and education to families who need it the most. During this time, you have joined us online, met with each other in person at Moms +SocialGood, and used #GlobalMoms to help keep the conversation going.
Together we’ve raised more than $365,000 in support of the Global Moms Relay. Thanks to Johnson & Johnson, today our goal has been increased to $405,000. We have the potential to raise another $40,000 for five great causes between now and June 17. We ask that you please join us today by sharing a story, joining the conversation, and showing your support for families who don’t have the means to say something themselves.
Simply like or share this Facebook post and Johnson & Johnson will donate $1 (up to $405,000) in support of the Global Moms Relay, and check for additional opportunities to help.
We know that together we can make a difference. We’re so proud of our incredible community of movers and shakers – you. Thank you for bringing us this far, help us reach our goal by sharing a story today.
You can read and share all of our stories for additional impact at
Chrysula Winegar
Community Manager
Global Moms Challenge
Global Mom’s Relay, Join Today!
June 6, 2016 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: CONTRIBUTORS, Contributors, FEATURED, FEATURED, GLOBAL EVENTS, SPECIAL FEATURE, Uncategorized, WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World! Tagged With: A Celebration of Women,, charity, children, Global Mom's Relay, Join Today!, MOM, moms, motherhood, online fund raising, woman, women.
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