Addictions come in all shapes and sizes but there is one thing that is always for sure, there are going to be consequences for addiction to mind or mood altering substances. Whether you are impaired because of the addiction may be up to dispute but if that addiction can potentially lead to mishaps and injuries, there is a real problem. Mothers in the 21st Century are still becoming addicted to legally prescribed medications and as a result, are facing consequences that they never foresaw. If you are a mom facing the consequences of addiction, here are a few tips that can help you through these trying times.
Keep Your Children in Sight
So many recovery programs will tell you that you need to want to recover for yourself. That other people shouldn’t be your motivators. This may be true in many instances, but if you are a mom, your first priority is to your children. Whether you are an active addict or a recovering addict, the first thing you should always think about is how this problem is affecting your kids. The first tip, then, is to keep your children ever before your ‘sight.’ Focus on them because they need you. Many a mother has lost her children to CPS because of the inability to care for them so don’t let this be you.
The Cost of Your Addiction
There is always going to be a cost involved when you are an addict. Sometimes the cost will be financial and other times it will be physical or emotional. In any event, there is a cost and that is one thing you need to face. For example, driving under the influence could result in the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license which then would lead to other costly consequences. Once your license is returned you will be required to carry SR-22 insurance, no matter where you live or which automobile insurance company you are covered through. SR-22’s can be quite expensive which is obviously bad news for you as the driver. SR-22 is always an extra cost to your policy that you wouldn’t have had to pay but since you were caught driving under the influence, you will now have to pay for sr22 insurance as well as your normal insurance policy.
Get Help – It’s Out There!
The best bit of advice that anyone can give you is to get help before it’s too late. There is help out there but you need to face your addiction and ask for the help. Even if family members initiate an intervention, you still need to want the help. Find an AA or NA meeting, talk to a psychologist, join a women’s group, talk to your pastor at church but get help. You don’t need to face it alone and that is what you might fear the most. Just know that you are not alone and that there are tens of thousands of moms just like you facing the consequences of addiction.
Addiction always comes at a high cost to yourself and those you love. Don’t let your children suffer because you are afraid or reluctant to admit you have a problem. Help is available no matter where you live so reach out and ask for it. Don’t pay the high cost of addiction. Get help.
Tips for Moms Facing the Consequences of Addiction
March 18, 2016 by