A Celebration of Women™
is elated to Celebrate the Life of this spiritually inspired woman.
This power of example, has found the Goddess inside Herself, and is here to help the Women of our World.
Tetka Rhu – ‘Goddess of Spirituality’
What has brought Tetka to this stage of her life
where she owns her ability to manifest her Creative Artist energy
and to be a force for people to “Own their Power”?
The Artist
“I was taken back to the origins of Creation to bring Goddess of Birth forward.
Her alliance to the birth of ALL Creation is very profound and yet keeping things simple, this great lady comes into your life to open you to remember the secrets you have long asked for. She lifts the veils of Consciousness as you begin to trust the emergence of your spirit into your life. When this great lady births into your life, recognize the power of the Group as you will be now taken on a journey which is way beyond your limited self.
You can no longer deny the integrity of Group Soul Consciousness once you merge with Goddess of Birth as you totally accept you are a Spiritual Being having a Human Experience. The value of bringing Goddess of Birth into your life is completely in your hands as she takes you on a journey of being accountable for every thought, word and deed.”
Personal Mastery … is the gift she births.
Are you prepared for Goddess of Birth? Tetka Rhu – Artist/Author
Courage of Commitment to following a road less travelled and daring to beat with the rhythm of her own drum springs to her mind immediately as she revels in the Journey of her spirit which began Good Friday, 7th April, 1950.
Her passion of purpose to walk her talk has seen many diverse experiences lead to this moment. Growing up as the eldest of 6 children, Tetka found books to be a comfort and solace where the world of fantasy and dreamland were an escape from her daily life.
Unbeknown to her this world would open her to seeking her quest for the Holy Grail.
The University of Life has fanned into existence a variety of Careers,
culminating in a totally new journey through Fun,
Travel and Art as a Social Entrepreneur in 2009.
- Banking Career
- Self taught Manufacturing Jeweler
- Philosophy of Life and Meditation Facilitator and Mentor
- Children and Adult Story Telling
- Tarot, Soul Reader and Psychic Artist
- Spiritual Healer
- Motivational Educator/Facilitator
- Karate Instructor
- Real Estate Sales and Investments
- Artist and Author
- Spiritual Entrepreneur
“Kara” is the Japanese for empty, while “te” means hand and “Do” translates as the way, or path.
Karate-Do is “The Way of the Empty Hand”.
Studying and training Karate-do over a 30year time span has been the significant aspect of her journey, which was the catalyst to opening to understanding metaphysics through movement and form found within this ancient art.
The forming principles of energy opened to the creation of Excalibur – Your Sword of Wealth program that opens the 12strands of DNA held within the body and yet have been locked due to the control and manipulation of our Reptilian Brain.
Arise O’ Enlightened Phoenix!
—Dr. Dheena Sadik
BOOK: http://www.tetkaart.com/tetka_books.html
Tetka is a Supporter of XL NATION: http://www.xlnation.org/
Tetka embraces you into her life… WHEN you are inspired to
‘Take Action’
to “Own YOUR Power” in YOUR life.
GoddessoS | October 03, 2010
The journey of Life is to be valued and celebrated when we “Own Our Power” Feel the energy surging forth as you embrace the gifts of your inner wealth, which then automatically open Your Universal Bank of Supply.
With Much Love and Light,TetkaCheck out her other videos~~GoddessoS.
created at http://animoto.com
“We are ALL born to be INCREDIBLE”
Original Collectors TetkaART – ART of the Millennium
Where Art is more than Art
Welcome to my unique ART world.
I am Tetka Rhu, Lady Picasso – YOUR Artist of Creation.
I love it when my Art Collectors say: WoW I am so thrilled I purchased a Lady Picasso TetkaART Original as my life has changed so much since it arrived in my home or office.I dare to shine my Light and stand up tall and offer the ART world an explosion of love that fills every line, color and nuance of what I create.
To Own a Lady Picasso, Tetka Rhu Original Collectors TetkaART connect to me via Email, Skype or Phone and know the beauty of riches I manifest into being.I am Lady Picasso, Tetka Rhu, Your artist of Creation
and I bring you a range of Investment Art and Collectors Art that brings Beauty and Love through the Ambience of Creation to enhance your life with the power of your inner Wealth.Can You say you own a Tetka Rhu – Lady Picasso TetkaART ORIGINAL?
Change YOUR environment – Change your LIFE with Lady Picasso – YOUR Artist of Creation
FIND Tetka here:
Twitter @tetka and @tetpicasso
Web – http://ladypicasso.me
A Celebration of Women™
is elated to have this wonderful soul inside our Alumni of WOMEN of ACTION™
Brava Tetka!
Tetka Rhu – WOMAN of ACTION™
September 3, 2012 by