WOMEN in RECOVERY – Freedom from GANGS by Rising Above Violence…Connie Rice


Empower the Women



— Connie Rice spoke about how women function within Los Angeles gangs.

“Socializing the girls to reject machismo…

And orienting them towards smarter, more strategic, peaceful men…

is a key norm to go after,” Rice said.

Thanks to: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDailyBeastVideo

News: http://www.thedailybeast.com/video/item/innovation-connie-rice-on-the-gangs-of-los-angeles




Getting Out of a Gang 

The word Gang causes a great deal of controversy and fear every time it is uttered. There is a great deal of myth and misconception about just what is a gang, how they recruit/operate and the danger they pose to our society, our families and children. Working with gang members for a great number of years, I’ve watched as they have become more sophisticated and violent as time has passed. What was once given short shrift or ignored as an anomaly is now recognized as an incredibly complex problem, not only for law enforcement but for our society as a whole. This article is a good starting point for parents and youth who want to see the truth about what gangs are, and are not.

GANGS 101:  http://womenselfdefensefederation.com/gangs-101

(PDF) Resource:  http://www.sanjoseca.gov/prns/mgptf/docs/GangTri-fold09%2003%2009.pdf


street gang style

GETTING OUT OF A GANG:  http://www.gangstyle.com/gangs_getting_out.php



Life Story

“Ya I was 10 when i entered this shit. It was hard to get in but back then i didnt really think it would be this way, cuz back then gangs were not the same, I shot a nigga when i was 11 over a damn drug deal it has lived with me all my life. I am 24 now still in this shit the oldest member in it I am a so called Tri-Lord, Im the highest ranked member now It is all bullshit everyday one of my boys get shot sometimes 2 or 3 die a day. I’m tired of going to all the funerals black is all i wear anymore Im always watchin my niggas get put in tha ground its to much bullshit for me to handle but since i am the oldest member alot of the younger crew look up to me as a father figure I cant handle this no more. My eyes cant cry no more ive seen everythign there is to see and ive cried about everything there is to cry about I will find my way out and i will pull all who wants to go with me i will protect them with my own guns and heart.”

Beaten Blind

He decides what clothes I wear,
If it wee up to him I’d have no hair.
I’d be looked up alone in the house,
But I can’t leave him, he’s my spouse.
He makes me wash, cook and clean,
Some things I do are just obsence.
He hides my make-up and accessories too,
And if I wear them he’ll beat me blue.
I feel so alone, I have no life,
I didn’t realise he’d be so much strife.
So how could I ever put this to an end,
If he doesn’t allow me to have one friend.
I simply have no where to go,
I try to get him to change, but he says ‘No’
I thought about dying and freeing my soul,
As this constant abuse has taken it’s tole.
I am weak and just can’t let go,
But I really want the world to know.
Please don’t let your love control your mind,
Because love has beaten me truly blind. 


Women of our World, there is help out there, look for it!


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