It’s Saturday morning and I find myself sitting here trying to figure out whether or not I should send you a message on the weekend. Why? Because like you, I subscribe to various ezines/newsletters and sometimes I wish I hadn’t. Seriously, because some of the stuff that comes in my inbox is pure mess.That’s definitely not something I ever want someone to feel about me.
However, when I’m prompted to do something and I don’t, things always come back to bite me! Have you ever experienced that? It’s like when your kid is being disobedient when you tell him or her to do something and they don’t – for whatever reason and then they have to suffer the consequences of that choice. Therefore, I’m not willing to have to suffer the consequence for being disobedient on a Saturday morning, LOL!
I hope you’ll bear with me as I attempt to explain what I’m knowing to be factual truth.
Last night, yes on a Friday (I was not out partying or hanging out), I was fortunate to listen in on a telesummit hosted by LaShanda Henry founder of the SistaSense Power Telesummit. In case you don’t know, telesummits are like seminars on various topics but you get to call into a phone line instead of having to be there “live.” The speakers don’t have to travel, you don’t have to travel however, you’re in the circle of people from various parts of the country. How cool is that? There are a LOT of webinars and teleseminars businesses promote on a daily basis – some good, some junk, some try to get you to buy crazy outrageous – unfulfilling type products and services. You just have to know who and why to listen to.
Now before you close this message, keep reading because I’m not here to pump up anyone, I’m here to tell you some truths about how when you don’t align ourselves with like-minded individuals — who aren’t afraid of telling you “the real deal” about how to increase your business with proven strategies, tips and resources, you’ll sometimes find yourself constantly spinning your wheels year after year and constantly trying to convince people you are capable of doing what you know you’re experienced and qualified to do!
You know why that happens? Because you’re in the wrong group of people. In other words, you’re trying to convince someone who isn’t the least bit interested in who you are, let alone, your experience and ability to teach them otherwise. I know this to be true because I’ve been online for 14 years now, I see the newbies come online, spend money over and over again trying to find the magic solution and after two years, still stuck in the same place – only to eventually give up.
After listening to the speakers last night, I understood clearly that it wasn’t a “get this, buy this and do this rally” — they shared the why, how and what, that got them to where they are today, AND each one of them eventually said the same thing about aligning yourself around positive, encouraging, like-minded, going somewhere people!
Like them, my heart is constantly saddened when I see desperate entrepreneurs who really want their businesses to flourish but, because they’re in the wrong places, listening to the wrong people and just flat out hard-headed — they end up quitting!
My point?
Bling, glitter and glam is not your key to success. In other words, just because a person has their photo plastered on the front of a magazine, or you’ve seen them on TV or they have a gazillion followers on Facebook and Twitter – doesn’t mean they are qualified to help you! Not everything BUT, a lot of what you see is hype – point blank! And people will charge you out of the wazoo just because of that magazine exposure or pumped up numbers and never give you what you invested in.
I suggest that you turn off the noise. Align yourself with a coach or consultant who has the experience to help you bring your dream to life. You should know exactly what you want to do and why. You need to know who your target audience is and what they want, need and can afford and then serve them – period!
Stop trying to emulate John or Jane Doe – do you! Like my friend Tina Michelle says, “do you – be you.”
We are in a different place and time, we constantly see people struggling in ways we’ve never seen before. People are looking for authentic people, people who sincerely care about their needs, not those who take their hard-earned money to go sip drinks on an island somewhere.
Now… for the most important point I wanted to share in this message.
Pay close attention to people who constantly remind you that they make five, six and seven figures per month however, ask yourself this question:
How many people have you seen that person help do the same?
If this is you, please, please, please… stop making other peoples business your priority! Stop being a groupee or part of a clique. Of course it’s smart to participate via social media… just, BE YOU and DO YOU!
Get off the computer sometimes and get involved in your community. Let people know who you are and what you have to offer. Listen to the needs of the community and find out how and where you can serve. Align yourself with people who have vision, purpose, character and integrity.Last but not least, recognize what’s going on around you. Don’t ignore what’s happening in the economy, learn how to be a servant leader, don’t always look to get – give with sincerity because…”People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care!” JMaxwellWith that said, it’s a beautiful day, perhaps a great day for hanging out with friends however, the first part of the day, I choose to be back on part II of the telesummit today. I can honestly say, in all my 14 years online, never, ever have I heard so much honesty, generosity and truth. These are the type of people I choose to surround myself with – this is my POWER circle, what’s yours?If you’re curious about this telesummit, registration is closed, however, you can pre-order the replays here: http://keepingitrealtalk.com/sistasense
Keep in mind, I’m not trying to sell you, I’m inviting you to positive empowerment and a real circle of people who keep it real, no more, no less.
Thanks for reading and I hope you’re having a powerful and productive weekend!
keeping it real,
Speaker * Consultant * Radio Personality
P.S. Thumbs UP to the Sistasense Power Circle Telesummit Speakers for speaking the truth and providing compelling content.
Computerize U2
P.O. Box 24813
Houston, Texas 77229-4813
Keeping It Real, Regina Baker
July 30, 2011 by admin
Filed Under: Contributors, FEATURED, WOMEN "Positive Action", WOMEN BLOGGERS Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, compelling content, Computerize U2, Consultant, Keeping It Real, Mr. Steve Podborski, radio, radio personality, radio shows, Regina Baker, Sistasense Power CircleTelesummit, Speaker * Consultant * Radio Personality, SPEAKERS, teleseminars, WOMEN of ACTION™, women taking action, women.