Life can feel so hard sometimes. For those of us who are highly sensitive and heard to the subtler vibrations of existence, the pain and suffering can be overwhelming.
For me in the younger years, this sensitivity was a gift that fueled an inherent sense of joy and gave me wings. Almost literally…
Rev. Nina – age 3
Once I entered the school system, my sense of freedom changed. For the next 35 years of my life, I mastered the art of toning down and even tuning out my feelings for the purpose of survival. If I didn’t listen, I couldn’t hear, couldn’t experience what would probably hurt too much.
As a quadragenarian, my angels insisted on playing a bigger role in my life and I began to open up. Slowly, usually gently, I learned that as I let go of blocking my heightened sensitivity to allow the fullness of my true feelings, magic unfolded and a reality that I knew so well as a little girl was still there. My angelic antennae, like delicate butterfly wings still wet from rebirth, emerged.
I turned 50 last week. In celebration, I was offline for two weeks and vacationed in Mexico with my honey, Peter. While we had a wonderful time, let’s just say that Montezuma got his revenge and I was bound to the beautiful room by the sea for a few days.
When we returned, our household was in a bit of a state with our daughter who was accepted to university in Tokyo starting in May riding an emotional roller coaster and our son who was accepted to his last – although we know to be best – choice college.
My “vacation” had incredibly bright moments of loving, laughing and sharing. It also had its challenges – physically, mentally, emotionally and yes, spiritually.
The truth is, I’m tired, frustrated and there’s been a wee part of me asking “why did I allow myself to reclaim my sensitivity? Wouldn’t it have been easier if I’d kept my proverbial head in the muck? Perhaps I should just rebuild those walls again.”
That’s where I’ve been this morning as I turn and face my task list of 400 things to do – some of which I’m excited and inspired about and others that, well, maybe the dentist could fit me in for a voluntary root canal?
Grumpy, I rebelled and sat on my meditation perch, arms crossed and pouting, contemplating the options for how I can reclaim that freedom I felt as a young girl…for about an hour.
The irony here is that AngelsTeach turns 4 on Friday and I always love a birthday. Looking for cause to celebrate, I actually wondered, “is this the point where I need to let go of AngelsTeach altogether?”
Don’t get me wrong, I love my work. I love my work of teaching and writing so much, in fact, that any task that isn’t along these lines (like developing new websites, promoting new classes, taking care of administrative and accounting details) makes me irritable. And quite honestly isn’t what I’m here to do much longer. It’s been necessary to get to this point, but I’m done doing what doesn’t really inspire me to the core.
Our lovely Customer Care Angel and Dean of Students, Marianne Chandler, has been a HUGE help and I wouldn’t have made it this far without her. Now all I need is that windfall to hire her full time. I’ve been open to receive, although it hasn’t been time yet – hence my Oscar the Grouch impersonation this morning.
As I was contemplating the options – one of which is to close doors altogether, my angels threw me three lifelines.
First into my head, my winged friends popped an oldie but goodie tune…
Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up
Here’s a clip from the lyrics:
We’re no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of
You wouldn’t get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We’ve known each other for so long
Your heart’s been aching but
You’re too shy to say it
Inside we both know what’s been going on
We know the game and we’re gonna play it
And if you ask me how I’m feeling
Don’t tell me you’re too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Here’s the video if you’re curious – quite the catchy tune!
Second, they led me to watch this clip of a video I recorded at the Teachers’ Retreat in January. I posted it on YouTube yesterday, but wasn’t exactly sure how I would use it…
Every time I watch this, I get teary eyed. I know from first hand experience that working with the angels is life changing, surreal, wonderful, challenging. magical and believably unbelievable. I also know it to be true because I hear it from our students over and over and over again.
Third, the angels had me re-read homework submitted by one of my Masters students. They were given an extra-credit option of interpreting a card spread from class. This was part of her message to me…
“Card # 4 – Why You’re Here (The reason your soul needed this experience): Ocean of Eternal Love. You needed all the commotion to help define your purpose. You are able to discard all the unnecessary parts of your life and concentrate on what matters to you most. Everything comes together, and you’re able to receive all your blessings and give blessings back to the world. Instead of feeling like there were just too many things to do, you’ll feel much more secure knowing that you have refined your purpose.”
We all experience challenges and we earth angels – you and me – are sensitive beings. This is not a weakness, it is our gift, our strength that defines and connects us.
For me, this gift would be impossible to offer the world without my angels who have helped me understand that I am simply amidst a dark night of my sensitive soul as my world changes under my roof and around the globe; this too shall pass.
The angels have never, ever allowed me to lose faith. When I start to slip as I have this morning, they rush in and make their presence known. The angels give me hope, peace, comfort and yes a smile as I hear Rick Astley in my head, see the beautiful smiles of our teachers and read the perfect message from my student.
I work through it. I process. I feel loved and supported by my angels.
I write. I learn more about myself. I share. I feel loved and supported by my angels.
I give. I receive. I feel loved and supported by my angels.
And so can you.
I know it.
(And no, I’m not giving up on AngelsTeach – she’ll be around for much longer I’m sure, thanks to the support of the angels!)
Important Announcements
Angel Communication Specialist™ Training
This is the program that our lovely teachers were referring to in the testimonial video above. We have two sessions of this certification program starting in April with only 10 spots left! We are adding two weeks to the training and tuition will increase from $297 to $447 effective April 1st. To learn more or to register, visit:
123s of Angel Communication – Spring Training 2011
Peter and I received guidance before we went to Cancun that with all that’s going on in the world, those who are “plugged in” to their angelic guidance will have a much easier time. To that end, I was guided to offer a Spring Training for our Living with the Angels™ members. We will meet once a day for about 15 minutes and I will personally facilitate a 30-day program to give you the basics of angel communication. This is NOT a certification course and there will NOT be much opportunity for Q&A, but it will provide a good solid foundation in a short period of time. All sessions are recorded in the event you are unable to attend live.
Spring Training begins Friday, April 1st and is available to ALL levels of our Living with the Angels™ members. Additional angel card reading practice sessions are available to the Silver Halo members.
To subscribe to Living with the Angels™, visit:
Heart Based Marketing
Starting April 14th is our 3-part training to help you get “out there” with your business passion. For each one of us who steps forward to do the work that we love in a way that feels authentically you right down to your tippy toes, we change how business is done. And who can argue with that?
Early bird registration through March 31st of $147. Tuition is $197 on April 1st. All class supplies included.
To learn more or register, visit:
AngelsTeach Radio
Lastly, Angels On Air will feature a BFF (Best Friend Forever!), Kim Turcotte, founder of Grow Your Divine Business. Join Dawn and Amy with Kim this Wednesday at 7pm eastern!
For details or visit:
Here’s a timely clip from a beautiful message given to our Living with the Angels™ members this morning from Angel Communication Master™ and coaching student, Gena from France…
“See, there is nothing to be afraid of unless it is of getting “stuck.” And that would be by judging this dark side, resisting it, not wanting to see it, look at it, or acknowledge it. When we are feeling stuck, chances are we are holding some sort of “dark” energy within us. We say dark because we have buried it, shunned it, not accepted it… We give things so much power when we ostracize them. We turn mole hills into mountains, specks into stains. But the time of redemption is here.”
The dark night of the sensitive soul is such a gift when we connect with our angels and view it as an opportunity. We always get through it. With our angels by our side, it’s just SOOOOO much easier.
Embrace the darkness feeling the love from your angels!
Wishing you much love, joy & abundance,
Rev. Nina
P.S. Remember, tuition for both our Angel Communication Specialist™ Training and our Heart Based Marketing webcast increases on April 1st.
If you’re feeling the pull – perhaps this is your time!
Rev. Nina Roe: Dark Night of the Sensitive Soul
March 28, 2011 by admin
Filed Under: Contributors Tagged With: angel messages, angelic, angels, Angels Teach, belief, believe, Creator, Dark Night of the Sensitive Soul, faith, light, Rev. Nina Roe, sensitives, soul, source, strength