Seminar Participants
As part of the 12-day Peace to Non-Violence campaign, the United Nations Infor-mation Centre (UNIC) in New Delhi collaborated with NGO Women’s Initiative for Peace in South Asia (WIPSA) and National Foundation for India in organizing a day-long seminar titled “Sisters for Peace: Voices from Kashmir” on 29 September, where a dozen women activists, academics and female victims of violence from Kashmir presented their perspectives on the Kashmir conflict and its impact on women.
A group of over 60 influential opinion makers and community lead-ers participated in the round table which called for an end to the culture of militarization, endorsed the formation of Peace Committees to articulate the concerns of women in a violent society, and sought the linking of youth in creative activities to express their energies. The seminar concluded with the women of Kashmir prese-nting a charter of their demands to India’s Home Secretary G.K. Pillai.
UNIC National Information Officer delivered the opening address to the round table focusing on the upcoming tenth anniver-sary of Security Council resolution 1325 and the need to involve more and more women in peace processes.
UNIC New Delhi Seminar on Peace and Non-Violence
October 4, 2010 by