What are self-affirmations?
One Affirmation per Day …. is this not simple?
Pick one.
Self-affirmations are:
* Healing, positive self-scripts you give to yourself to counter your negative self-scripts.
* Vehicles by which you can free yourself from the over-dependence on other’s opinions, attitudes or feelings about you and feel good about yourself.
* The visualization of a new order and sense in your life, which you can work toward achieving.
* You take personal responsibility for your health and emotional stability.
* You let go of negative emotional baggage you have been carrying. Only then will you be able to deal with your life in a realistic and positive manner.
* The resolution of feelings from the past so that you can face the present with a less obstructed view.
* You give yourself permission to grow, to change, to take risks, to rise up, and to create a better life for yourself.
* You take a healthy self-oriented route in your life so that you can let go of these people who drain your resources and keep you from experiencing full personal health.
* The recognition of your rights and affirming your claim on them, giving you an equitable chance of achieving your fullest potential.
* Success prophecies that, when visualized, imagined or believed in, do come true.
What shapes can positive self-affirmations take?
“I” statements:1] “I am”–a statement of who you are.
This is a positive affirmation of a real state of being that exists in you. You can achieve a full list of “I am” statements by taking a personal positive inventory of your attributes, strengths, talents and competencies.
Examples include:* I am competent–I am energetic
* I am strong–I am enthusiastic
* I am intelligent–I am relaxed
* I am beautiful–I am joyful
* I am a good person–I am trusting
* I am caring–I am generous
* I am loving–I am courageous
* I am smart–I am forgiving
* I am creative–I am open
* I am talented–I am sharing
2] “I can”–a statement of your potential.
This is a positive affirmation of your ability to accomplish goals. It is a statement of your belief in your power to grow, to change, and to help yourself. “I can” statements are developed after you develop a set of short-term (3 to 6 months) goals.
Examples include:
* I can lose weight–I can grow
* I can stop smoking–I can heal
* I can handle my children–I can let go of guilt
* I can gain self-confidence–I can let go of fear
* I can take risks–I can change
* I can be a winner–I can be positive
* I can be strong–I can be a problem solver
* I can pass calculus–I can handle my own problems
* I can laugh and have fun–I can be honest with my feelings
* I can be assertive–I can let go of being compulsive
* I can control my temper–I can succeed
3] “I will”–a statement of positive change in your life.
This is a positive affirmation of a change you want to achieve. It is a positive statement of what you want to happen. It is a “success prophecy“.
“I will” statements are developed after you have set your priorities for the short-term goals you have set.
Examples include:* I will like myself better each day.
* I will gain emotional strength each day.
* I will lose weight each day.
* I will smoke less each day.
* I will control my temper today.
* I will give others responsibility for their lives today.
* I will grow emotionally stronger each day.
* I will smile more at my customers today.
* I will offer my comments in class today.
* I will praise my children today.
* I will feel good things about me today.
* I will sleep easily tonight.
* I will feel less guilt each day.
* I will face my fears courageously today.
* I will take on only what I can handle today.
* I will take care of me today.
* I will challenge myself to change today.
* I will manage my time better today.
* I will handle my finances wisely today.
* I will take a risk to grow today.The daily use of these “I” statements is another form of self-affirmation designed to counter negative self-concept. It can result in a positive attitude, optimism and can motivate you toward emotional growth and progress.
You can read more, thanks to Livestrong.com
WOMEN: Three Affirmation Styles to keep the doctor away!
August 4, 2012 by