Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka – WOMAN of ACTION™

A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this activist that has devoted her life to the betterment of all woman.  Throughout her career, this woman has been determined to equate 'women's rights as human rights'. She was the first woman to hold the position and at that point the highest ranking woman in the history of South Africa. We are excited to announce that she is now leading the charge as the new Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and … [Read more...]

Stefanie Graf – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman, a sensitive visionary that is Taking Action to better the lives of children! Her foundation and mission in life today is to heal and renew hope and strength inside the hearts of children that have been abused or traumatized in conflict. She works diligently caring for those little souls that suffer from night terrors, through her focus on what she refers to as 'psychological … [Read more...]

Doris Buffett, ‘Learning by Giving’ {philanthropy online course}

'Learning by Giving', founder Doris Buffett This accredited philanthropy online course launches this July 2013 FORTUNE -- The name Buffett is in the news, but the first name is Doris, not Warren. His older sister by three years -- that makes her 85, him 82 -- she is pursuing a decade-long interest by sponsoring a new, free, online course about philanthropy. The goal of the program, called Giving With Purpose is to teach college students -- and anyone else who cares to register -- … [Read more...]

Free Call with Marianne‏ Williamson – July 16

Dear Friends, My 4-week online course, The Divine Alignment of Body & Soul begins on July 24th. The course will focus on the role of the body in our spiritual journey, and how an enlightened perspective can help free us from dysfunctional thoughts and behavior regarding food, body image and physical intimacy. I will be doing a FREE CALL about the course on Tuesday, July 16, at 6PM Pacific Time / 9PM Eastern Time. Join in to get a sense of what the online course is about, and decide … [Read more...]

Key Developments in HIV Research from IAS 2013

Last week, Dr. Carl Dieffenbach from NIH/NIAID shared brief reports from the 7th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment, and Prevention (IAS 2013) with the community via Skype. As Dr. Dieffenbach related, some key highlights of the conference included: Long-term HIV treatment strategies to address HIV as a chronic management disease; The value of the HIV treatment cascade (also known as the “care continuum”) as a tool for healthcare professionals, … [Read more...]

Odette Laurie – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this powerhouse, a self-made success story that is now devoting her life to the betterment of the lives of all women. Through her coaching techniques, this woman is addressing one of our world's most critical subjects today in every woman's life: Financial Self Sustainability & Success. Through her programs, as an entrepreneur and founder of Women on Top, she is able to educate, inspire and motivate all women to Take … [Read more...]

How to Hide Electrical Wires: Computers, TVs and Appliances

Electrical components are an increasingly essential part of everyday life. From the television, media player and cable box on your entertainment center to the computer in your office and the lamp on your desk, it seems like everything is plugged in these days. While dangling cords are unsightly and lend a cluttered appearance to an otherwise orderly room, they’re also a hazard for households with small children. Kids can wrap themselves in dangling wires to the point of strangling, use them … [Read more...]

Canada Day celebrates with Purpose!

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The Arctic is Melting and you must Take Action NOW!

Wow, this is looking like the largest fundraiser in Avaaz history!!    Scientists have found that vast areas of Arctic sea ice are disappearing, accelerating the destruction of our planet -- it is a climate tipping point and we CAN stop it, if we act very fast, and all together. We have 30 months until the biggest climate summit ever. To win it, we need to blast out of the starting gate. Click below to pledge a donation to help us get there: This may be the most important email I've … [Read more...]

Cairo, Making sure Every Woman Counts!

Cairo - Population and development in the Arab region were issues discussed this week in Cairo, during a three-day conference that ended with a declaration highlighting the need to empower women, promote gender equality, and step up efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals. “The status of women is the measure of a nation,” said Sima Bahous, Regional Director of Arab States from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) at the opening of the event. “A truly developed and truly … [Read more...]

Emmanuelle Gattuso – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this wonderful power of example of what a woman can accomplish when she puts her mind to a project. Thriving above her own personal experience with cancer, this powerhouse devotes her life to raising funds for one of Canada's major cancer centers, working diligently to Find a Cure, always believing that a day will come for our world that will be CANCER FREE.         WOMAN of … [Read more...]

UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie Recounts 5-year-Old Girl’s Ordeal

SECURITY COUNCIL ADOPTS TEXT URGING TARGETED SANCTIONS AGAINST PERPETRATORS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE DURING ARMED CONFLICT Rape Largely ‘Cost-free’, Says Special Representative As UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie Recounts 5-year-Old Girl’s Ordeal   The Security Council today urged the United Nations sanctions committees to apply targeted sanctions against parties committing sexual violence during armed conflict. Ahead of a debate on the subject that attracted more than 60 speakers, the … [Read more...]

Mary D. Moore is Taking Action for World Peace!

Throughout human history, war and violence defined whether territorial boundaries would expand or constrict. The Rule of Law seldom became the standard of societal life; too often, it was might over right. But evolution and the refinement of human morals and ethics have moved mankind, from the mid-20th century, to rise above the pattern of war and violence towards the higher invitation of sustainable peace and the rule of law. For that purpose, the United Nations was … [Read more...]

#AskUNWomen and chat Live – 20 June 2013, 10:30am EDT

What is UN Women’s vision to ensure that empowering women becomes a priority in the post-2015 development agenda? Why is it important to include a separate gender goal in any future framework? #AskUNWomen and chat with our Acting Head! WHEN: Live on Thursday, 20 June 2013, 10:30am EDT WHERE: Hashtag #AskUNWomen & @UN_Women on Twitter WHO: Lakshmi Puri, Acting Head of UN Women + YOU! WHAT: Twitter chat on our vision to bring gender equality and women’s empowerment to the centre … [Read more...]

ILO and EU-Presidency welcome moves to ensure decent work for domestic workers

Labour and social affair ministers from ten countries, the President of the EU Council, Richard Bruton, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor, and ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, discuss ways to support ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. GENEVA - An informal meeting of Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs took place alongside the 102nd International Labour Conference in Geneva. At this meeting, jointly organized by the ILO and … [Read more...]

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