Ever since I could read the printed word and carefully listened to religious teachers and philosophers expound on how they interpret universal law, creation and alchemy, I have always asked myself whether they know the Sublime firsthand. Humanity has been repeatedly impacted with rules, regulations and tedious suggestions on how to attain enlightenment. Could interpretations actually be a ‘back door’ method? According to ancient and current thinking, Pure Awareness, Christ or Buddhic … [Read more...]
Shirlee Hall – Self Doubt be Gone!
June 2, 2012 by
Create a life worthy of remembering... If you could see yourself as spirit sees you, there would be no doubt about the importance of this life. You would understand why it's so vital that you wake up fully and walk the Earth like the Divine being you truly are. Being able to make miracles happen is fundamentally a result of how you choose to align yourself, how you choose to use your mind, and how much faith you have in being able to use it to affect your physical world. You … [Read more...]