Tonight, President Obama called both Secretary Hillary Clinton and Senator Sanders. The President congratulated both candidates for running inspiring campaigns that have energized Democrats, brought a new generation of Americans into the political process, and shined a spotlight on important policy ideas aimed at making sure our economy and our politics work for everybody, not just those with wealth and power. The President congratulated Secretary Clinton for securing the delegates necessary … [Read more...]
Hillary Clinton Celebrates Breaking Largest Glass Ceiling-Shattering Win
June 8, 2016 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AFRICA, AMERICAN [U.S.A.], ASIA, BUSINESS, CAREERS, CARIBBEAN, CENTRAL AMERICA, Contributors, CONTRIBUTORS, EURASIA, EUROPE, FEATURED, FEATURED, FEATURED EVENTS, FORMER SOVIET UNION, GLOBAL EVENTS, Government Speaks to our Women, MIDDLE EAST, NORTH AMERICA, OCEANIA, SOUTH AMERICA, SPECIAL FEATURE, Uncategorized, WOMEN GENDER EQUITY ISSUES, WOMEN of HISTORY, WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World!, WORLD EVENTS, WORLD ISSUES Tagged With: A Celebration of Women,, American Women, Brava Hillary Clinton, celebrating Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Celebrates Breaking Largest Glass Ceiling-Shattering Win, president elect, President of the United States, USA women, Woman President, women in office, women in politics
Celebrating the History of the American Thanksgiving Day ~
November 17, 2012 by Team Celebration
Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving is celebrated each year on the on the 'fourth Thursday of November in the United States'. Because of the longstanding traditions of the holiday, the celebration often extends to the weekend that falls closest to the day it is celebrated. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations. Historically, Thanksgiving had roots in religious and cultural tradition. Today, … [Read more...]
Filed Under: AMERICAN [U.S.A.], FEATURED, FEATURED EVENTS, SPECIAL DAYS TO REMEMBER Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, American Thanksgiving Day, annual harvest festival, celebrating, Days of Fasting, family, family dinners, family gatherings, feast, General George Washington, George Washington, God, Gratitude, History of the American Thanksgiving Day, John Hancock, pilgrims, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, Puritans, royal governors, Sarah Josepha Hale, Spanish Armada, thanks, Thanksgiving Day, the Continental Congress, Turkey, victory, woman, women.