Living in excess is detrimental to anyone’s health. Our daily habits affect our lives in ways that affect us later on. You don’t want your poor habits to ruin your skin, cause premature aging, and to cause your body to fail on you. You want to live as long a life as you can. To live the best life you can, you need to start cutting back on many common everyday habits. Moderation is key, and here are the top habits to cut back on: 1. Drink Less Drinking is hard on your heart, your … [Read more...]
Why You Need Moderation in Your Life
September 4, 2017 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: Contributors, PSYCHOLOGY, RECOVERY, RELATIONSHIPS, SELF CARE, Uncategorized, WOMEN's HEALTH NEWS Tagged With: A Celebration of Women,, alcohol abuse, alcohol binging, coffee addiction, consume less caffeine, consume less dairy, curb your drinking, e-juice solutions, eat less sugar, modern, modern women, modernization, modernize your life, over drinking, over smoking, quit smoking, SMOKERS, Why You Need Moderation in Your Life, woman, women quit smoking, women.