The Male Mind: What Is He Thinking? Decoding the Male Mind Communication in a relationship is key. If you want to make music with the man in your life, then you must learn the way his brain functions! It’s fundamental that you are heard and that you hear your mate. However, why is it that sometimes we seem to be talking about the same subject, but neither of us understand each other? How many times have you thrown your arms into the air frustrated that the love of your … [Read more...]
Holly Allender: DE-CODING the MALE MIND
April 3, 2011 by admin
Filed Under: CONTRIBUTORS, WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World! Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, alpha, brain, brain functions, California Psychics, DE-CODING the MALE MIND, Holly Allender, iPhone, male brain, male brain activity, multi-tasking, omega, Psychic Michael ext. 9604, relationships, strong-minded woman, thinking, WOMEN of ACTION™, women taking action, women thinking, women understanding