While physicians and surgeons get all the credit, healthcare as we know it would come to a stop if all the other professionals associated with the field were not there to manage everything else. In fact, the demand for them is so great in the US these days that completing the necessary certification in any of these five fields comes with almost a guaranteed assurance of employment. Nurse After doctors, nurses are the most important personnel in a medical facility as far as direct medical … [Read more...]
Top 5 In-Demand Career Options in Assistive Healthcare for Women
The works of Joseph Campbell
Over the past year, I've studied the works of Joseph Campbell: videos and books, published by The Joseph Campbell Foundation. Campbell extensively references the Goddess culture. One of the books that he writes, along with other writers is titled: "In All Her Names". I have found his works fundamental to my own understanding that the religions and cultures of the world, at least over the last 5,000 years, started out with the same basic mythological story. I … [Read more...]
Dear Companions Along the Way
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Dear Companions along the Way: After a full day of accumulated errands, through heavy traffic, with many excellent yields, I fell asleep on the couch early in the evening. In the wee hours of the morning, I awakened, to find SJG had covered me, but I was dry mouthed and still very tired, slightly bound by my clothing. To bed and in a steady, but gradual deepening, I was off to sleep, with … [Read more...]
Heather Payne – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this young woman leader, one that has risen above extraordinary circumstance, serious health challenges. A woman that took action and today devotes her life to bettering the lives of others through education; with a special passionate about technology education, entrepreneurship, women in tech. WOMAN of ACTION™ Heather Payne Hi! My name's … [Read more...]
Louis Braille is celebrated Jan 4
WORLD BRAILLE DAY January 4 ... celebrates the magic of six small dots. We celebrate World Braille Day in honor to give tribute to the genius Louis Braille. World Braille Day gives an opportunity to all the organization which are working for the blind so that they can display their work and promote the Braille language and also educate the others on the issue that is affecting the blind. In 1829, Louis Braille published the Method of Writing Words, … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Patience with ‘others’ during Recovery
Patience and Tolerance “For patience and tolerance is our code.” I wonder how many of us in recovery can honestly say that IS our code. For me, it is more like I wish it were my code. In our society today, for all people, impatience and intolerance does seem to prevail. We all know folks who are not in any 12 Step Program (because they do not need to be) but may seem to be the most impatient people we know. Young people today have a deep sense of instant … [Read more...]