After the Spiritual Ecstacy, than what? During the years 1991 to 2000, I went through a radical spiritual transformation that really was a profound, peak experience for me. It all began when I read Seth Speaks, after which I went through more than 400 similar books, non-stop. I never thought the passionate feelings of spirituality would mellow and lose their intensity. But they have. In 2000, I read a book called After the Ecstasy, the Laundry, by Dr. Jack Kornfield. The author … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – After the Spiritual Ecstacy, then what?
April 10, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: RECOVERY Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, American, birth, Christian mystic, climb, come down, confusion, cycles of life, deepened knowledge, detached, earth, embody, faith, falling, fallow time, family, fear, fecund time, freedom, God, God's Will, heart, heart's integration, Humility, humus, India, inevitable descent, journey, Julian of Norwich, knowingness, life path, neurosis, path, Peace, Perfect, pink cloud, rebirth, retreat, seen, slow down, society, Spiritual Awakening, stars, struggle, Summit, talk the talk, temple, then what?, TRANSFORMATION, transitionenlightenment, truth, understanding, unseen, walk the talk, work