Venus conjuncts Mars in Aries today. Couples who are prone to fight probably will. I personally think it's okay to clear the decks now and then, but I know others don't agree. I will say this is not the best time for a knock-down drag-out fight. The Moon is in Pisces conjunct Neptune and Chiron and people are sensitive! Consequently, tactics (Aries) to avoid (Pisces) conflict make sense. The easiest way to do this is to join forces with your partner against a common enemy, even if … [Read more...]
VERONICA, Forgive and Release
January 2, 2013 by
Forgive and Release "Often through life there is a tendency to carry the vibrational baggage of past moments. It is the intention to go through the baggage to remove things no longer necessary to the journey. However, this often is not the case. Past indiscretions, arguments, decisions, etc., can often fill your perspective so fully that it becomes difficult to be in the present moment. Being in a physical life was meant to have movement. Standing still … [Read more...]