In these modern times, our world seems to be walking backwards, repeating history over and over again, now including peaceful Canada. Not only has it been tested, but it has forever altered how we see ourselves as "peacekeeping" Canadians. No longer can we say that terrorism is something that happens "over there": in Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kenya, the United Kingdom, the United States. We are now a part of that unfortunate list. Is this a statement of truth or a reactionary opinion … [Read more...]
Revolution, Terrorism or Civil Disobedience gone Global?
November 1, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AMERICAN [U.S.A.], CANADIAN, Contributors, FEATURED, FEATURED EVENTS, Government Speaks to our Women, Uncategorized, WORLD EVENTS Tagged With: 911, A Celebration of Women,, anarchy, CANADA, children, children of war, CIA, citizens, Civil Disobedience gone Global?, conflict, Gaza Strip, government., Harper, Iran, Iraq, Isis, Isreal, men, Middle East, NEWS, Pakistan, people, revolt, revolution, Snowdon, Syria, Taliban, terrorism, war, women.