Cats, Egyptians and Women

Cats and Egyptians Cats (Felis silvestris catus), known in Ancient Egypt as "mau", were important in ancient Egyptian society. Based on recent DNA comparisons of living species, it has been estimated that cats were first domesticated from the Middle Eastern subspecies of the Wildcat about 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent. Thousands of years later, the peoples in what would later be Upper and Lower Egypt had a religion centering around the worship of animals, including … [Read more...]

CHILDCARE, 10 Pets ‘not’ to adopt if you have little ones!

While most will choose more traditional animals like cats or dogs, there’s a chance that their tastes will run a bit more towards the exotic. In some cases, some smaller pets may even seem like a better choice to parents who aren’t aware of the drawbacks that some common choices bring to the table. These 10 pets are among those that you won’t want to adopt if you’re planning to have children in the near future, or if you already have little ones in the house. Primates – Fictional … [Read more...]

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