How Aging Affects Women

For some, aging can be a terrifying thought, while others accept it and learn to see the benefits. For women, especially, aging has a complicated relationship with beauty (just look at the multi-billion dollar anti-aging cream industry) and self-esteem. However, for women, fear of aging may not be as legitimate as it might be for men, as a growing body of evidence is revealing that alongside the negative impacts of aging that everybody experiences, aging brings positives to … [Read more...]

Ways To Keep Your Skin Hydrated And Blemish-Free

Millions of people have challenges when it comes to maintaining glowing skin. Others deal with stubborn skin disorders, while some cannot get it right concerning taking good care of their skin. In conjunction with that, people spend handsome cash on skincare products, but unfortunately, the majority of them fail to produce the expected results. The beauty and health of your skin rely on how well you take care of yourself, especially from the inside. Well, a significant part of this means staying … [Read more...]

Women’s Mental Health Matters

Mental disorders can affect women and men differently. Some disorders are more common in women such as depression and anxiety. There are also certain types of disorders that are unique to women. For example, some women may experience symptoms of mental disorders at times of hormone change, such as perinatal depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and perimenopause-related depression. Warning Signs Women and men can develop most of the same mental disorders and conditions, but may … [Read more...]

Nursing Careers During The COVID-19 Pandemic

It is no secret that there was already a shortage of nursing staff across the country before the current pandemic; however, following the outbreak of COVID-19, the US healthcare system is under increasing scrutiny as it strives to manage the additional pressure. In these unprecedented times, nursing jobs have become more challenging than ever. Nurses are being put to the test as the front line of defense on a much bigger scale than ever before. Some of the challenges faced by nursing staff … [Read more...]

Mental Health, the Secondary Global Pandemic

Countries around the world continue to mobilize to contain the spread of the corona virus, mental health experts say we can’t lose sight of another alarming issue: the long-term mental health impact the pandemic is going to leave on society. Infectious disease outbreaks, like the current coronavirus/COVID-19, can be scary and can affect our mental health. Some countries currently have universal medical care; but things like psychotherapy, which has proven to be an effective treatment for … [Read more...]

Caregiver Mental Health During Covid19

The dominant conceptual model for care-giving assumes that the onset and progression of chronic illness and physical disability are stressful for both the patient and the caregiver. Therefore, the framework of stress-coping models can be used to study care-giving. Signs of Caregiver Stress As a caregiver, you may be so focused on your loved one that you don't realize that your own health and well-being are suffering. Watch for these signs of caregiver stress: ~ Feeling overwhelmed … [Read more...]

Ways You Can Help Take Care of Your Parents

Even if they don't admit it, as your parents get older, they will start to need help with daily activities. Most people have considered how they can support their parents as they age. Some plan to move in with their parents or have parents move in with them. For others, moving their parents into an aged care facility is the right solution. Regardless, there are some ways you can begin to take care of your parents as they age to help alleviate their stress and make their lives easier. Spend … [Read more...]

How to Start a Successful Women’s Clinic

Every community needs a women’s clinic or a women’s care center. It is here that women will be able to have health examinations, but more importantly, can get support for their sexual health. Birth control, pregnancy testing, and support through pregnancy are some of the most common and popular services offered at these clinics. Some don’t stop there, either, and have Licensed Social Workers (LSW) working at their centers for counseling, or parenting classes, and other support for new … [Read more...]

How to Handle Medical Emergencies

Regardless of your age and health, you could be forced to deal with a medical emergency at any time. How you handle this troubling situation will either aid you on your road to recovery, or it will make life ten times more challenging to deal with both now and in the future. If you’re ever unfortunate enough to fall ill or become injured, you must handle the situation in as proactive a fashion as possible. To find out what you must do to deal with your situation, be sure to read … [Read more...]

How to Get Back on Your Feet After a Health Problem

Health problems, whether that be a long-term physical illness or a mental health issue, can knock your confidence and leave you feeling as if you will never be able to return to daily life. If your health problem has got too much to handle, here is a guide to the best ways that you can learn to cope with your condition and how you can reintegrate yourself with the outside world. · Go to a Residential Treatment Center If you are suffering from a mental health condition that is barring you … [Read more...]

Why Most Sexual Assault Cases are Not Reported

One of the most traumatizing experiences is being sexually assaulted. There is so much shame surrounding sexual assault that most cases go unreported. Of all the sexual assault incidences, less than 30% are reported. Why the number is this low and what can be done to improve this? This article will try to answer that question and offer a solution. Sexual assault victims do not have the same reason for not reporting. However, here are some reasons that make them not come forward. 1. Victims … [Read more...]

6 Wonderful Ways to Show Yourself Some Love

It's time to take a break and show yourself some compassion. This helpful guide on self care for women is full of self-love tips to inspire you! Being a woman is no easy task. There are several people that you have to worry about in your daily life. Your spouse, your children, your coworkers, and the rest of your family as well. Because of that, the stress in your everyday life can compound quite quickly. In fact, if it's not dealt with, it could lead to a nervous breakdown somewhere down … [Read more...]

4 Ways to Look After Your Family’s Health

A Fit Family is a Happy Family Caring for your family’s health ensures that everyone is on the same page. Certain genetic conditions can take over the lives of your family if you’re not careful, so it never hurts to make sure everyone is healthy. But how do you go about doing that? Teenagers may argue about wanting to stay in their rooms all day and listen to music, while spouses may choose to sit on the sofa after a long work week. Instead of giving in to their demands, here are the four … [Read more...]

Will Facelift Surgery Result in Scars?

Facelifts are one of the most effective anti-aging procedures we have available to us today. It is also one of the most misunderstood. That might be because facelifts have grown more advanced over the years, but society hasn’t caught up just yet. Cosmetic surgery is still a controversial topic in the public eye, and a lot of common assumptions regarding facelifts just aren’t true anymore. One outdated assumption regarding facelifts is that they can result in noticeable scarring. The truth is … [Read more...]

Is There the Perfect Age for Breast Implants

For those interested in breast implant surgery, then you may be wondering about the best candidates for this procedure. Is there a perfect age to receive breast implants? Is it worth waiting? These questions and more will be answered in the following article. What Age Can't You Receive Breast Implants? Because the material of the implants used is sometimes difficult to work with, the FDA requires that women must be at least 18 years old before receiving them. This is for saline-filled … [Read more...]

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