Special Docu-Interview called ‘Pillows and Tears’

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Mothers Day Special Docu-Interview

‘Pillows and Tears’

Presenting a Special Docu-Interview called ‘Pillows and Tears’.

It is a show that honors Unique Mothers who are raising children with ‘special needs‘.

pillow love youThe title was inspired by the song written by Neil Howard as a Mother’s Day present for his mother Gloria Valentine, the interviewer and singer of ‘Pillows and Tears‘ song, thanking her for the love and courage that she has shown him through the years of his incurable illness.

Pillows & Tears tells the story of three extraordinary courageous mothers whose children are affected by schizophrenia, deafness, brain damage, blindness, Rett Syndrome and cerebral palsy.

These stories are exceptional and inspiring portraying a ‘mother love’, a connection with a child that nothing can sever.

A ‘must watch’ production.

Pillows and Tears will first be broadcast on the Canadian Jewish Edition, Rogers Cable 10 on Mother’s Day,
Sunday, May 11 at 8AM.
Thursday May 15 at 3AM and May 15 at 6:30PM.

The show will be repeated on the Canadian Jewish Edition, Rogers Cable 10 on Sunday, May 25 at 8AM.
Thursday, May 29 at 3AM and May 29 at 6:30PM.
The TV show, will be launched on YouTube Sunday, May-11-2014 to celebrate every day is Mother’s Day.
The show is 27.30 second

This is a DON’T WAIT DO IT production of a Special Docu-Interview called ‘Pillows and Tears’, Directed by Norman Evans, Host Gloria Valentine (Canadian Jewish Edition-RogersTV-Cable 10 Toronto) Produced by: Norman Evans, Beverley D. Burdeney, Gloria Valentine Executive Producer: Howie Rosen
Videography, editing and creative direction: Andrea Caliendi and Norman Evans

Song: Pillows and Tears SOCAN1999
Lyrics: Neil Howard

Media Contact & Artist Representation:
Norman Evans 416 722 5186
Email norman@dontwaitdoit.com

Norman EvansGloria Valentine
Creative Director/New Media Producer
416 722 5186

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