Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s begins… How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
How long has it been since you wrote your sweetheart a beautiful sonnet or simply told her/him, “I love you.” Marriage and relationship experts agree on the importance of communicating love to our partners often and in a variety of forms. We often forget to show the ones we love how important they are to us.
Simply saying, “I love you,” is one way, but there are many other ways. Be creative. Do it with imagination.
“I love you.”
It’s vital these three important words be conveyed regularly and often to keep a relationship healthy and strong. Expressing your love to your partner is a natural and important part of a relationship that is growing and flourishing. One of the best ways is to demonstrate your love. Do something for her or him that they don’t like to do.
Order this very special, inexpensive frame – it’s only $9 – at DinoTalk.com. What makes this frame so special? You can record your “I love you” message directly onto the frame. Your guy can play it back with the press of a button.
Paint the words “I love you” onto the bathroom mirror in a heart shape. Use chalk art on the driveway. Use colorful chalk to write “I Love You!” and draw hearts and “XO’s” around it. FAX your partner a Love note to their office. Have a picnic at the park. Find a nice tree and carve a heart with your “I love you” message and initials.
Bring your lover breakfast in bed. Say “I love you” with a heart-shaped egg, toast, orange juice, strawberries, a napkin, etc., or… looking for something Eggstraordinary? Conceal your “I love you” message inside of an empty egg shell. When they crack open the egg… there it is!
Click here for instructions.
Take your partner to a quiet park at night, away from the street lights, and tell them how you feel under a blanket of stars. Head to the beach or a lookout point and tell them how much you’re in love as you watch a spectacular sunset.
Create an “I Love You!” Blog just for the two of you. Ground rules, no complaints about your loved one, posts that include personal information like home or work addresses, or scandalous photos. Start by posting your favorite photos and love messages.
Present her with a bouquet of three red rose buds. Write her a love note. Put what you are feeling in your heart into words. Start a new tradition ~ Every time you kiss, kiss three times, which stands for “I love you.” Every now and then leave a card saying how much you love and appreciate your partner under their pillow for them to find before they go to sleep.
Send each other short texts or e-mails to say what you are thinking about them at that very moment. XOXO’s too. Order take-out. Even though you’re ordering from your go-to Chinese restaurant, dessert will be a much different story. Make sure that you pick up the order (alone!) and swap the usual fortune cookies for custom-made ones. You can order them at Tankinz.com. Since the message is customizable, they should all say “I love you”. He’ll be wondering how you managed to pull it off,
Use the “Ransom Note Generator” to write a special love message.
My mother and father had a way to show their love when they went to church.
My mom would squeeze my dad’s hand three times to say, “I love you,” and dad would squeeze mom’s hand twice to say, “Me too!” Read: “A Strawberry Malt and Three Squeezes, Please!”
Get him into a coed shower – Swap your man’s everyday soap with an “I love you” one. SoapSaysIt lets you choose your bar’s message, color and shape. If you’re feeling a little naughty, opt for a saying like “Meet me in the shower” or “Rub me the right way.” Trust us, he’ll thank you for the racy start to his morning—especially if you suds up with him. Soaps start at $10.
Put a whiteboard near the door and leave notes and hand-drawn pictures for each other they will see before they leave for work. Aways look for the positive attributes in each other. Each night before bed, take a few minutes to tell each other something we’re grateful for that the other person did that day.
Send your coffee-drinking sweetheart a LoveMug. Ask one of your artsy friends to put your message on a ceramic mug! Design and personalize an “I heart” tee with your lover’s initials or an I love you message. And then there is the good old fashion love letter. It doesn’t have to be long and flowery… just some special words of Love straight from your heart.
Be flirty, brave and brazen. Seed him a PantyGram in a plain brown wrapper to his office. Write a few love words that may encourage him to take off early when he gets this gift. About $24.95.
Post sticky notes with the words, “I Love you” on his/her rear-view mirror, in the fridge, and other places for him/her to find when they least expect it.
If you are really sweet on each other… Create your own M&M’s® candies with your own personal words and photos! To order, click here!
Order a tiny, handmade, “I Love You” Message Spool. Make your own “playing card booklet,” state 52 reasons you love your partner. Instructions on how to make your own here.
Being with someone you love is wonderful.
It’s the constancy of patient, kind and selfless friendship that keeps love exciting and meaningful. Feel free to get creative and come up with something of your own, or put your own spin on some of these ideas. Always remember to say, “I love you” (out loud), at least once each day!
Take advantage of this cheat sheet often to broaden your romantic vocabulary! Your partner will feel special and cherished as you speak or write your love for her with carefully chosen romantic phrases. Click here!
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Copyright © 2014 – Larry James. This idea is adapted from Larry’s books, “How to Really Love the One You’re With: Affirmative Guidelines for a Healthy Love Relationship,” “LoveNotes for Lovers: Words That Make Music for Two Hearts Dancing” and “Red Hot LoveNotes for Lovers.” Larry James is a professional speaker, author, relationship coach and an award winning nondenominational Wedding Officiant. He performs the most “Romantic” wedding ceremony you will find anywhere. Something NEW about relationships is posted every 4th day on this Relationships BLOG.
“How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways…,”
April 18, 2014 by