Conscious Motherhood

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A woman in harmony her spirit is like a river flowing.

She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination, prepared to be herself and only herself‘. ~ Maya Angelou

motherhood 10BirthTub-300x217When a woman approaches each stage of her transition into motherhood consciously – allowing herself to listen to her body’s wisdom and slow down enough during pregnancy to express her fears, talk about her expectations, grieve the loss of the old life, and prepare spiritually for labor – she naturally finds that the shock that greets the vast majority of women during the first months of motherhood is tempered or non-existent and she can embrace her new identity and, more importantly, her new baby, with gratitude and presence. And if you are one of the 20% of women who is suffering from postpartum depression or the 80% who is struggling through the confusion of baby blues, this site will help you review your transition and do the necessary work that will allow you to understand your feelings enough to move through them and become the mother you are meant to be.

If you are pregnant, you are housing the miracle of a baby’s creation and if you’re a new mother you are witnessing the actualization of this miracle daily. But the birth of your identity as a mother is also a miracle! And miracles aren’t created without hard work, grace, and consciousness. In order to create this brand new identity, you must shed the old life, you must allow your other identities of work-self, wife-self, friend-self, daughter-self, and essential-self to hibernate for a season, you must face your expectations about how you thought you would feel and act as a mother and then, within the extraordinary mother-baby dyad, your new identity as a mother is born.

Motherhood is one of the most important transitions a woman endures. The degree to which a new mother can embrace her identity and lifestyle directly affects the degree to which she embraces her new baby. At present, 10-15% of women to suffer from postpartum depression and 50-80% of women to suffer through the confusion of “baby blues” with no roadmap or context to help them through this transition. When a new mother spends her first year of motherhood in shock and depression instead of the acceptance, gratitude and joy that emerge from a conscious transition, she deprives both herself and her baby of a present, emotionally available experience.

As a culture, we owe it to impending and new mothers and to their vulnerable offspring to facilitate their preparation for the monumental changes inherent to this transition. Our culture commits a grave disservice by encouraging a pregnant woman to focus exclusively on the baby’s development and the preparation of the nursery when she should be following the lead of her body and using the challenges of pregnancy to help prepare her for the birth of her identity as mother. Deprived of a essential information, most women have no idea that they are supposed to be following their bodies or how to do that. They don’t realize that there is, in fact, a roadmap that women’s bodies follow.

Conscious Motherhood was created to offer women this roadmap and information so they can complete the transition into motherhood with confidence and joy. Instead of spending her pregnancy focused exclusively on the physical growth of her baby and preparing the nursery, when a woman approaches each stage of pregnancy, birth and new motherhood consciously, she develops the resources of endurance, patience, tolerance, faith, and self-trust that allow her to blossom into the mother – and person – she’s meant to be.

Please Note: Many of you have been awaiting the release of my Home Study Program: Birthing a New Mother: A Roadmap from Preconception through Early Motherhood to Calm Your Anxiety, Prepare Your Marriage, and Become the Mother You Want to Be. The program is now complete and available for purchase! To learn about the full program, click here.

Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in spring. (e.g., April–May in the northern hemisphere, October in Argentina, but northern hemisphere spring, May, in Australia). It complements Father’s Day, a similar celebration honoring fathers.

The celebration of Mother’s Day began in the United States in the early 20th century; it is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration (originally a celebration of the mother church, not motherhood). Despite this, in some countries Mother’s Day has become synonymous with these older traditions.

The modern holiday of Mother’s Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in Grafton, West Virginia. She then began a campaign to make “Mother’s Day” a recognized holiday in the United States. Although she was successful in 1914, she was already disappointed with its commercialization by the 1920s. Jarvis’ holiday was adopted by other countries and it is now celebrated all over the world. In this tradition, each person offers a gift, card, or remembrance toward their mothers, grandmothers, and/ or maternal figure on mother’s day.

Various observances honoring mothers existed in America during the 1870s and the 1880s, but these never had resonance beyond the local level. Jarvis never mentioned Julia Ward Howe’s attempts in the 1870s to establish a “Mother’s Day for Peace“, nor any connection to the Protestant school celebrations that included “Children’s Day” amongst others. Neither did she mention the traditional festival of Mothering Sunday. Jarvis always said that the creation was hers alone. For more information on previous attempts, see the “United States” section in this article.

mothers days flyer final may 4A Celebration of Women™ is celebrating Mother’s Day on MAY 4 with an amazing fashion show ( swimwear ), gift show and VIP luncheon for MUM. All are welcome to join us with MUM, and celebrate in style a wonderful tribute to all Mothers.

Our Gift Show will host elegant gifts for all Mothers ranging from body wraps, candy, candles, chocolate, crystals, essential oils, stones, flowers, hand-made glassware, handbags, lingerie, PJs, jewellery, skincare, soaps, and so much more !!!





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