The Metaneural Network Electromagnetic Waves
The captivity of believing that the physical is all there is to reality, comes from a disregard for and from certain inconsistent assumptions (the conservation of energy). Even the skeptical scientist can not sustain the belief sometimes practiced in the psychological and psychiatric world that there is a nothing which is called illusion or an image called an hallucination which is nothing.
The extent of the energy pattern which produces hallucination may be confined to the mind, but what is the extent of the mind? The brain? We don’t know that.
There is some reason we think what we think, when we think it, as adverse to thinking anything else, some determining force. That force has other dimensions of extent, meaning that energy is involved. To reject the experiences called hallucination is to neglect the real energies which yield the hallucination even though we do not mistake them for physical experiences.
A. S. Presman, in his review of the experimental and theoretical data regarding electromagnetic fields and life, finds that some phenomena only occur or only manifest at certain levels of sophistication. The instruments used must be suited to the different thresholds of complexity of substance and intricacy of biological systems. Stated another way, the phenomena seem typical of some critical degree of organization and does not appear at any level of fragmentary isolation out of which that critical level of organization may be composed. We will find electromagnetic energies typical of the functional unit of life, the cell, that do not occur at any level of order sub-structural to the cell like the nucleus of the cell or its mitochondria or microsome. Similarly, we will find fields typical of cell systems which do not appear prior to the system formation.
Sinnott reports that if the sponge is put through a sieve reducing its associative form to fragments, some force operates to unify those fragments again. And the sponge will, like a phoenix, restore its unified life. Likewise, organs and organisms provide the same pattern as the sponge. This shows why science has gone so long without discovering the defining property of life: order, by means of which order, reproduction occurs. It is not order which occurs by means of simplification, the elimination or the isolation of extraneous form, but order which occurs by virtue of complex composition. This is the defining property of life. The dynamic of a living form can be indexed in terms of mobility and variety of energy exchange patterns. Sometimes hypothesis is the unifying work of science. At one time, Darwin was well spoken of, for the facts he brought forth in his hypothesis, but was hesitantly received with respect to his hypothesis. His hypothesis was the relating of the facts, the significance of the facts, the meaning which unified the facts.
At a conference in 1969, a paper was presented on the facts of psychotropic drugs on the effects at a distance of experimental animals upon one another. The researcher then simply said, “We do not need more facts. We need a theory which relates the hosts of facts.”
A magnet is magnetic because the forces which were closed in small domains within the surface of the form of the magnet were integrated, were unified, were opened from a series of small loops to large loops which complete their curve of closure outside of the form of the magnet. Metal alloy magnets often resort to interrupting the closure of the loops inside of the internal structure of the magnet’s form by the use of an element like oxygen. Then when we place pieces of iron or nickel, cobalt or even some of the less known magnetically responsive metallic elements in the field of the magnet it draws the two forms together. That is because it is easier for the lines of force to go through the metal than through the air.
It is easier for the forms to be nearer than further so as to make the path as short as possible. Perhaps our hypothesis can take this behaviour and apply it to the findings of biological electromagnetic anomalies. One further distinction must be provided. If we were to experiment with solenoid, a coil of wire, we would see that when the current has one polarity, that the north to south pole of the magnet is oriented accordingly. If we reverse the electrical polarity the magnetic orientation reverses. If the poles are reversed back and forth at a very high speed, instead of the magnetic lines of force finding it easier to penetrate the iron or nickel, it is easier to penetrate the air. This quality of a material or substance varies with the frequency of the magnetic pole reversals.
Biological substances conduct high frequency magnetic lines of force better than less complex substances. When you have a radio, it is receiving a signal of electromagnetic waves through an antennae. The antennae is metal. Metal has electrons which move through the corridors of metallic crystals. That is why a metal is a metal, because all of the electrons don’t go around the nucleus of the atoms, but move through the corridors of the crystal. The lustre of a metal comes from the interaction of these electrons with light at the surface of the crystal.
If you have a radio in your car and drive under a steel bridge while it is playing it will dim or silence. That is because the radio transmitter’s electromagnetic waves are shielded by the steel in the bridge. The radio waves are moving the electrons in the metal out of which the bridge is built instead of the electrons in your antennae. A pigeon flying near a radio transmitter will become disoriented and fly in circles either until it gets far enough away from the radio transmitter or until the transmitter is turned off. Electromagnetic waves are electrical because they move electrons.
In metals, they move electrons through the corridors of the metallic crystal.
The distance the electrons can be moved is relatively great so that lower frequencies (longer wavelengths) can be used with metal antennae. The mobility of electrons in the complex organic substances of biological systems are very much confined. The electrons move in covalent orbits around the nucleus of each of the enormous number of atoms out of which the molecules of life are composed. Electromagnetic fields interact with electrons by producing a correspondent motion. The electron bears a charge. The charge operates over a distance.
The motion of the electron changes that distance. The dipole (two opposite charges) of water is moved by electromagnetic fields. Does the field exist without the substance? Does the radio signal continue to move through the air even if you destroy the tower from which it was transmitted or the antennae which would receive it? Yes. Could biological substances or systems generate these waves? Yes.
We have a whole metaneural network. We have a system of transmission and reception from one part of the body to the other that does not go through the body. It goes between bodies. It even goes between animal bodies. It is effected by psychotropic substances. Amphetamines cause the receiver to increase sensitivity by augmenting the mobility of some of the biological substance. Acupuncture is an augmented antennae for the metaneural system. The aura, the glow some people see sometimes around living things, even trees, is a discharge just like corona discharge or arc discharge or glow discharge between electrodes, but it is between transmitter and receiver of the metaneural network. Can this be proven? It has been. How?
A gaussmeter (such as the one made by F. W. Bell, U.S.A.) placed over the critical zones of the body will show variations in magnetic intensity. To separate this from the earth’s magnetic field use a Helmholtz coil with bias currents to cancel the earth’s magnetic field. More than .2 gauss will be easily and frequently observed for instance at the solar plexus. Why don’t EEG’s show much of this? The electrodes are metal. The impedance (an index of how much energy is required before the measurement can be made) is poor (low). Can this be rectified? Yes.
There are three types of probes frequently used in EEG’s. One of these three is a needle which penetrates the skin of the scalp. This is better than the others for certain purposes of high resolution, but better yet: the volume of the metal in the lead and the needle even damps the subtle events. The number of conducting electrons in that volume of metal distributes the energy of the signal which one wants to observe. Also air adsorbs and desorbs from the surface of the probes on beads adding to a capacitance coupled quenching of detail. The needle also shortens the range over which the forces must manifest (this researcher has even found that the orientation of the needle effects the result).
What is the alternative?
A very small coil of .0005″ diameter wire can be wound with a very small core (experiments so far have used .045″ diameter). This must be placed in a small quartz envelope and evacuated. Dumet glass to metal leads with attention to shortness and as small as possible diameter. Welded to coil under a binocular microscope by highly controlled watt-second discharge with microdrops of high boiling point silicone oil to prevent heat distribution into the microcoil by using the latent heat of vaporization of the oil. Also put the negative weld electrode on the most electrically conductive and the positive on the most resistive alloy (dumet).
You have a new EEG probe. The polygraph does not have an adequate response time or impedance to put the signal directly on the graph… Magnetically record and display on storage oscilloscope.
Copyright 2011, 2013, ECOhealth / Eve Revere
The Metaneural Network / Electromagnetic Waves
December 20, 2013 by admin
Filed Under: Contributors, Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, FEATURED, WOMEN BLOGGERS Tagged With: a celebration of women - women bloggers, A. S. Presman, adsorb, amphetamines, antenna, arc discharge, aura, bias current, binocular microscope, biological systems, capacitance, capacitance coupled quenching, cell, charge, corona discharge, covalent orbit, Darwin, defining property of life, desorb, dipole, dumet glass, Edmund Sinnott, EEG, effect at a distance, electrode, electromagnetic waves, electron, energy exchange pattern, energy pattern, Eve Revere, Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, F. W. Bell, gauss, gaussmeter, glow discharge, hallucination, Helmholtz coil, impedance, index, indexed, lines of force, lustre, magnet, magnetic intensity, metal alloy, metallic corridor, metallic crystal, metaneural network, microsome, mind, mitochondria, mobility, motion, organization, oxygen, phoenix, pigeon, polarity, polygraph, psychotropic drugs, quartz, quench, radio, reception, solar plexus, solenoid, sponge, storage oscilloscope, theory, threshold of complexity, transmission, water