A Celebration of Women™
is absolutely elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman!
In this story, you will hear the voice of a woman that has ‘lived her life outside the box’, taking in stride what most of us consider to be a major crisis. Her Faith and Self Esteem, the ‘knowing’ of who she is, has graced her with the courage and strength to face change, often. Her Journey has allowed her to experiment, learn and grow, with experiences from Motherhood to the stock market…..
Her Mantra in life is that WORLD PEACE BEGINS AT HOME.
….a pure Joy!
Alexandra (Sandra) Thetford
I am reading a book right now about Canadian Pioneers and what they went thru, makes you want to cry.
My mother and father, in a covered wagon with two mules went from Missouri to Wyoming… that is what I call amazing.
I was born in Redding, California and ended up here with a Canadian rancher.
Columbia Valley WETLANDS near Rockaboo Ranch.
People come to this area from all over the world to look at the many birds and photograph wildlife.
Rocky Mountains, Kootney range area in distance.
Facing south east.
Looking north . Columbia Wetlands beyond the ranchPhoto taken at Fort Steele, British Columbia
Canadian Mounted Police
The Musical Ride is a wonder to see. So beautiful.
Each black horse has a Maple Leaf on it’s flankSANDRA AND 4 SONS
Stuart with glass’s(#3)
Taken at Ruby Nortons house in Redding, California
Back of big barn at ROCKABOO RANCH.
I love this life and he is NOT abusive to me like my ‘ex’…
“I was raised on a small farm in N. California and so being here,
I fit in well.”
I have my own sheep and they are like children to me…
I talk to them and they seem to communicate, each in their own way.
I have chickens and sell the eggs now and then,
I have been sewing for people since I was a young woman and love it so much I could sew all day and forget the rest of the world.
I am now 66 and when I was 50, I decided I would learn something new, every year the rest of my life. That first time, I got a lady friend to teach me how to crochet and I can’t read a pattern but I try to do the best I can.
I am constantly making afghans and giving them to all my friends and family.
One year,
I kicked my ‘ex’ out and counted that as a learning experience…the best thing I ever did.
This last Dec. birthday I took up buying stocks and learning the stock market…and that has been lots of enjoyment for me because the 7 stocks I now own are doing very well…John says I missed my calling.
“..definitely living a life Outside the Box…”
“Now I am thinking of what I can do next for this coming up birthday.”
says Alexandra.
The WORLD PEACE BEGINS IN THE HOME, came to me one night as I lay in bed years ago…so I got up and on cloth, made an embroidery I started the next day…and I have told everyone that and embroidered it on everything I could…a mother has sooooo much influence on her children and others…
I remember a saying that has stuck in my mind since I saw it some where,
teach a man and you teach only him,
teach a woman and you teach the world…
I think about that a lot.
‘I just live my life and do the best I can do everyday…and at least try to show love to someone everyday…’
Lovingly yours,
Sandra (Alexandra)Find Alexandra Here:
A Celebration of Women™
welcomes this Amazing Power of Example for all Women to LIVE YOUR LIFE!
Brava Alexandra!
Sandra (Alexandra) Thetford – WOMAN of ACTION™
January 15, 2013 by