13 … will be the dozen this year !!!
Have you noticed yet?
13 this, 13 that, 13, 13, 13.
We are going to have an interesting year, one that may actually relieve some of us with the fear of the number 13.
This phobia for the number 13 is called Triskaidekaphobia.
It literally means fear of the number 3 and 10. It is believed that it brings about bad luck. This phobia has many stories surrounding it, which have been developed over the centuries. The most popular of which is the concept of Friday the 13th.
Yes, there is such a condition, they named it: Triskaidekaphobia
Are you a ‘triskaidekaphob’?
It is Friday the 13th, and there are a number of people who have a fear of the number 13. This fear is called Triskaidekaphobia. The superstition still reigns today, hotels will omit a 13th floor, folks will cancel travel plans, some won’t even get of bed on Friday the 13th. People will avoid shopping on Friday the 13th because they feel it is a bad luck.
Just think we will only have to face a Friday the 13th twice this year, and in 2009 … well there are three of them.
Here are some reason why people fear the 13th, according to Yahoo:
1. Some speculate that a fear of the number 13 is the reason we recognize only 12 constellations in the Zodiac, omitting a thirteenth Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder.
2. The ancient Hebrews thought 13 was unlucky because the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the letter M, which is the first letter in the word “mavet,” meaning death.
3. Belief that 13 is unlucky because it follows 12, which in ancient Babylonia, China, and Rome was considered to be a lucky number associated with completion and perfection
4. Bakers Dozen, some believed that the baker’s would add a half loaf as a token to Satan to assure that the other twelve would turn out good. London bakers were subject to harsh penalties if they were caught selling bread in what was called short weight that the bakers would add the extra loaf to avoid the punishment.
5. A perfect coven consists of 13 witches
6. A dinner party should not have 13 guests, the old belief that the first to rise would be the first to die, this belief goes back to the Last Supper where Judas was the first to rise and the first to die. A hostess who has only 13 guests will request that they all rise together so that none of her friends will die during the following year.
7. The Last Supper had 13 in attendance, Judas was the first to rise and the first to die
8. The Norse God Odin had a party for 11 demigods, including himself, Loki arrived uninvited and when Baldr, Odin’s second son, tried to remove Loki, Baldr was murdered. Therefore 13 was unlucky
9. The arrest and murders of the Knights Templar was planned and executed on October 13, 1307
10. In a male dominate society 13 is considered a feminine number therefore it is unlucky.
Understanding the symptoms from having a ‘Fear of Numbers’.
Having a fear of numbers might seem like a strange concept to think about, right?
Sure, you might be one of those who loathe math, but that does not mean you break into a sweat every time a number, any number for that matter, comes before your eyes. Let’s look at it this way – Everyone has their own fears. Some fear the dark, others fear heights and some fear commitment. Who’s to say whether their fears are justified or not? Most fears are basically general like the fear of dark. Many people might have experienced the fear of darkness some time or the other in their lives. With age, most of these fears pass or we learn to carry on so that they don’t necessarily hamper our daily activities. The problem arises when these fears take on the form of phobias.
Phobia is described as an intense fear of something.
It may be the fear of a person, situation, thing or animal. That there are phobias in this world, does not amount to supplying any new information, but when one reads the list of phobias, it might be a shocker – Phobia of the air or a phobia of chins might be looked upon as something rather incredulous. But for the person who faces the fear, it is no joke. Similarly, having a fear of numbers might seem an unfathomable concept to you but the fact is that it exists.
LIST OF PHOBIAS – Seriously take a look at this website, for they have compiled the alphabet of fears/phobias from A to Z.
The Downright Ridiculous
- Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
- Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing
- Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens
- Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions
- Anablephobia- Fear of looking up
- Anglophobia- Fear of England or English culture (Theres more of these for the German, French cultures etc)
- Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single
- Barophobia- Fear of gravity (I don’t understand how this can be viable)
- Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting
- Dendrophobia- Fear of trees
Perhaps by reading about just how many ‘fears’ – ‘phobias’ there are, you may be able to Take Action and release your concept of fear, and actually enjoy a great 2013!
FEAR OR FEAR NOT: Are you a ‘triskaidekaphob’?
January 3, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: PSYCHOLOGY, WORLD EVENTS Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, Are you a 'triskaidekaphob'?, Buzzle, conquering fears, fear of numbers, FEAR OR FEAR NOT, fears, FUN FEATURE: Are you a 'triskaidekaphob'?, illusions, men, numbers, phobia, phobias, Rujuta Borkar, Triskaidekaphobia, women., Yahoo
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