Rising Above Stress – WOMEN in RECOVERY

Overcoming Obstacles

“Why Some People Seem to Overcome Challenges Easier Than Others”

  • Do you find yourself stuck and blocked in an area of your life?
  • Do you wonder why some people are able to handle situations with such ease, meanwhile you’re still struggling?

Obstacles come and go within your life.

At times you may feel discouraged and see them as if there was one after another.

But that’s only your perception and it is by choice that you are able to change that perception.

There are many ways to look at things like circumstances in life itself. You fantasize, from time to time, what it would be like to live in a world with no problems. Yet having no problems or challenges to overcome may actually cause more stress.

By having problems or challenges to solve you develop creativity, and once it is overcome you feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in yourself.

If you had no problems or challenges in life, boredom would set in and boredom can be deeply stressful.

You grow with the opportunities of problems and challenges. As difficult as they may be they make life interesting.

  • How do you overcome when faced with obstacles in your life?

You start by altering either our attitude to the situation or alter our behavior towards it.

And sometimes you need to alter both.

As you use your creativity to overcome these challenges. You develop and master your skills.

Soldiers who were held as prisoners of war survived and overcame enormous obstacles and challenges.

  • How did they do this?

They couldn’t change the external situation but they had the courage and determination to create their internal reality.

They created challenges for themselves, committing to keep their mind occupied.

The key was to stay determined, set goals and keep their minds focused on on those goals.

These are three things that allows us to survive adversity and you can apply them to day-to-day living.

Determination, goal setting and focus on those goals.

Creatively you are able to alter your attitude of your perception and also alter your behavior and turn the problem into a solvable challenge.

If by chance, there is a problem from the past or problem that there is no way for you to solve then thinking and feeling about it in a new light is the best way to deal with it.

You are invited to relax and encouraged to enjoy the process of creating solutions to obstacles. So that they may cease feeling like problems and become intriguing challenges instead.

How to Overcome Obstacles:

  • Do you find yourself struggling and feeling discouraged when life throws you curve ball?
  • How do we overcome?…when faced with obstacles in our lives?

Start by altering either your attitude to the situation or alter your behavior towards it. Sometimes we need to alter both. As you use your creativity to overcome these challenges you’ll develop and master your skills.

GUIDED MEDITATION – Rising Above Life Stress

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