“To achieve the kind of relationship you would like and have never had before, you must become someone you have never been before!” – Larry James
In other words, YOU can change because you choose to change.
Your partner will only change when they choose to change.
So many men and women do their best to try to change their partner. That does not and cannot work! People only change because they want to change.
Changing how you feel about your relationship and your partner begins with changing how you think about them!
When we make adjustments in the way we are thinking and being with our love partner, over time they begin to give the appearance of changing; sometimes for the worse, but generally for the better. This is so because as our behavior changes, our attitudes about them also changes. We begin to see them as someone who is doing the best they can and we become more loving toward them.
When you love somebody you love them for what they are not for what you want them to be, without imposing your will and without constantly trying to change them.
“Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.” ~ Wayne Dyer
So if your intention is to change your partner.
. . give it up!
It won’t happen.
What CAN happen is a more loving relationship when YOU are being the change agent for your own attitudes and behavior.
What have you got to lose?
BONUS Article: I Will Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me!
Relationships – Change is Good, CelebrateLove.com
November 14, 2012 by