We live in a culture that commends
that we get as much as we can
and give as little as we can.Yet, life is characterized by flow.
This motto, about getting and giving
counters this principle
about life as flow.In the book:
Order Out of Chaos,
Prigogine and Stengers
show that dissipative structures,
are determinate, when and only when
the difference between what flows in
and what flows out
is less than 16%.We, as human beings, are systemic dissipative structures.
This dissipative structure is a norm for organisms and for organizations.
This pattern and this ratio
needs to supersede
the getting and the giving axiom
of corporations and of management,
now operating in our culture.
Even government needs this pattern ratio.We need to consider
what it is that flows into us and out of us.
We not only breathe, drink and eat
we sense, we learn, information flows into us.
Not only out breaths, urination and defecation
flow from us,
but efforts, actions, expressions and information
flows from us.
It is all a flow of pattern and of energy.Principles of order are tied to evolution.
Principles of system gain are also characteristic of life processes.
Consciousness itself, when understood,
is part of the flow of pattern and energy.
Consciousness uses a self referencing domain
of emission and absorption
and an other-than-self
domain of emission and absorption.Everything is made of consciousness.
There are different dimensional scales.
But everything is made of consciousness.
Physiology, the function of a living system
is a highly dynamic and flowing
living process.
Ecology is physiology
extended to the environment.The two domains of consciousness
the self referencing
and the other-than-self referencing
converge upon an assemblage point.The assemblage point has a comparator function.
It poses the question:
“is there more order
within the self
or within the environment?
If there is more order in the self
we export effort
to impart order
to our environment.
If there is more order in our environment
we learn, we harvest, we uptake the order.Consciousness has levels or densities:
the mineral kingdom
the vegetable kingdom
the animal kingdom.
Each has a progressively increased density.
The total flow is greater.
The total pattern and dynamic
is at a higher level.We can harvest energy
from breaking down substances
such as hydrocarbons.
We can also harvest energy
from harmonic combining
like the combinations
of hydrogen and oxygen
to form water
or from the combining of water and carbon dioxide
to form saccharides (CH2 chains and rings).Balance is the criteria!
Balance your getting and your giving.
We see and we understand
disbalance is unsustainable.We are at the end of an era.
We need balance.
The old axiom
of getting as much as you can
and giving as little as you can
has failed and is due for extinction.The organizational and management principles
must learn balance.© 2010, ECOhealth / Eve Revere
Orig. December 12th, 2010
Edit: December 12th, 2010My Archived Writings, Google Docs
My Archived Writings, YMLP (up to Nov.’10 only)___________________________________________________________
The Yin Mind – Systemic Sissipative Structures
October 12, 2012 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, actions, consciousness, efforts, Eve Revere, expressions, human beings, information, management principles, men, organisms, organizational, organizations, structures, Systemic Sissipative Structures, The YIN Mind, The Yin Mind - Systemic Sissipative Structures, women for women
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