Dimensions are sequence providing.Time is a dimension.Time is a dimensional convergence system.Time imparts a pattern, through dimensional convergence,within which pattern, energy is parceled.The convergence of dimensions involves perpendicularities,tangencies and aspects.The convergence of dimensions involves concentrationsand expansions.The concentrations are balanced by expansions.The concentrations can be brought to the degree of focus.The concentrations use vortices and spirals to focus and to connect.All time is simultaneous.All time can be modified, edited, refined.Access to other points of time is from the present point of power.Dimensions can be added or deleted.This occurs at points of choices.This is mediated by consciousness.Evolving consciousness is the frontier of creation.© 2011, ECOhealth / Eve Revere____________________________________________________________
Writings and Recordings, by Eve Revere
The YIN MIND: Dimensions are Sequence Providing
August 11, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World! Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, aspect, Balance, choice, concentrate, connect, consciousness, convergence, creation, dimension, dimensional convergence, Dimensions are Sequence Providing, edit, energy, Eve Revere, evolve, expand, focus, frontier, frontier of creation, modify, parcel, pattern, perpendicular, point of power, present, present point of power, refine, sequence, simultaneous time, spiral, tangency, The YIN Mind, time, vortex, vortices, WOMEN of ACTION™, women taking action, women.