Let Me Remember …
Let Me Remember
True knowledge is secretly hidden within.
Awareness of Radiant Light at my center,
quickens God’s Presence as mine.Let Me Remember
To co-operate knowingly with God moment to moment
as Light in form.
As balance, I bring forth healing of body, mind and soul.Let Me Remember
God’s universe is orderly, unlimited and available to me.
Intimacy and peace are mine in direct measure of my spiritual awakening.Let Me Remember
Through belief, passion, love and trust, the mystery is revealed and embraced as living power.
Creating Light in everything I do, I know the Divine is who I Am
and understand the Divine expressing as you~Love,
ShirleeKnow as your truth that the sublime is waiting to bless you in ways far beyond hope or imagination~
If you enjoy learning about authentic experiences with angels, visions and healing and how they relate to inner knowledge and self-mastery, Be-Embracing the Mystery, is for you. Shirlee suggests how each one of us can be free and whole once we remember and live our truth. A lifetime of healing success with herself and others is explored in depth. Shirlee clearly explains who we are and why we are on earth. The power of remembering the divinity within is paramount in her teaching. She strongly believes we can be the heroes and heroines we admire.
SHIRLEE HALL …Training for the Divine
June 18, 2012 by admin