A Celebration of Women™
is elated to Celebrate the Life of yet one more generous, inspired and thoughtful powerhouse of a woman.
This woman has devoted most of ther life to the works for others, from walking trails
through to helping at centers. Today, her primary mission in life is the Health of others.
Being a nutritional expert, this woman mantra in life is
‘ Holistic Nutrition…changing the health of women one bite at a time! ‘
Join us her and Celebrate the Life of this wonderful shares her passion through writing, radio and television. This woman is now here to help the Women of our World. Please enjoy this Celebration of her Life and work; as well as, make a direct connection so to have the proper nutrition in your life !!!
Cheryl Millett BSc NNCP CCIr
Cheryl Millett obtained a degree in Holistic Nutrition then a diploma in Iridology with a specialty interest in digestion. Mind-Body Healing courses have balanced out her understanding of good health. Diving into the many areas of health is not foreign to her…barefoot movement, EMFs, rebounding, grounding, spirituality, quantum physics, vibrational medicine, etc. With this knowledge and background, she is helping many people including women and children, our future, with their health.
Regarding Cheryl’s background and for over 19 years, she worked for one of Canada’s largest grocery retailers and bakery in finance and purchasing as Manager of Commodities. This experience included the food processing area. She has seen first hand the flour milling, sugar refining and vegetable oil processing. She often states… “There is not much difference between white and brown sugar OR white and whole wheat breads.”
For more than four years, Cheryl practices nutritional consulting with a belief in raw foods, omegas, enzymes, nutritional cleansing and minerals. She believes in giving her clients the education and tools to create a better quality of life.
“I just want to thank you for playing an enormous part in my son’s healing. I am forever grateful to you. I’m writing this for all the parents out there who may be in a situation like mine. Over the past two years my son had been vomiting (at least 3 times a week) and coughing constantly. He has had also chest wheezing and runny nose. I have seen asthma specialist and gastroenterologist and have done x-rays, ultrasound and some other tests, which the results were negative. The doctors put him on Singulair and Flowvent medication to control his asthma. We have also done skin tests which showed that my son was allergic to peanut/nut, fish/seafood and eggs. Even when I omitted these from his diet, he continued to vomit and cough. You can’t imagine the misery that our family was going through.
I talked to Cheryl about my son 3 weeks ago when she was leaving her job at the office to pursue her passion.
You can’t imagine my desperation to make my son happy and healthy. My husband and I were so tired of seeing our son vomiting and not knowing what was wrong with him since we also weren’t getting anywhere with the doctors. I stopped my son’s medication (Singulair and Flowvent) and followed Cheryl’s diet and my son has not had one incident of vomiting over the past 2 ½ weeks. He has had a couple of coughing incidents and that’s because he has had something to eat that didn’t agree with his stomach. I just want all the parents out there who are in my situation to know that there is a cure and it’s also very simple. I never believed that my son had asthma.
Cheryl helped me and I’m sure she will be able to help you as well, you just have to try.” Sincerely, Amy B.
She is a Board member for the Canada StairClimbing Association promoting the health benefits of stair climbing. With her knowledge of nutrition, Cheryl enjoys supporting Advantage 4 Athletes (Markham), Fusion Studio (Toronto), and the Toronto District School.
She is a Contributing Editor, Nutrition for VividLife. She has enjoyed the focus and accomplishments of running marathons, and is the organizer/walk leader of the Forest Hill Walk Club, a weekly walk with over 300 members, and recently the Casa Loma Stair Climbers with almost 100 climbers. Adventure is her style as she trains for the upcoming Warrior Dash in her Vibram five finger shoes!
Cheryl’s greatest joy is her family, and she believes in balance for a healthier life. The family is soon to be the home of a rescue dog…a 6 month old Woodle to be named Shadow that wasn’t wanted at the kennel because it was too old to be sold as a puppy.She has recently taken on the position of Director of Auum Canada. With this focus, she will educate and inspire many on the benefits of healthy fats (omegas, vitamin D3, vitamin A, etc.). Her practical and balanced nature supports her endeavors.
The journey has come to this…and this is where Cheryl will make an impact on women and children across Canada and around the world.
“FATS is not a 4 letter word!” Cheryl uses this often because we need healthy fats to have optimum health, brain functioning and positive thinking. She doesn’t believe in diets, labeling, depriving yourself but believes that most people want to change their health. The majority of people, if not all, will put up their hand at her presentations when she asks the question “Do you believe that without your health you have nothing?”
Cheryl is just about to embark on her own radio show on the Women’s Information Network (WIN). The radio show is called “There is no place like Auum” where information is shared with people around the world via interviews on healthy fats for a healthier you!
The show will first highlight the results of a clinical study where 4 aphasic autistic children (non-verbal) spoke within 6 weeks. Essential fats are a key piece of the puzzle and like olive oil we just add it to our diet regularly or daily.
Another way to learn: “Here’s a fun and informative way to spend time with friends! This spring I hosted an info party with my friend Cheryl Millett. Everyone had fun, met some new people and through Cheryl became a little more informed about nutrition and wellness. I encourage others to consider this kind of event.” Cheryl was terrific!Alix G.
I should add that I was able to accomplish purchasing a meter of the Trans Canada Trailin every province and territory in one year with the funds generated from the walk club…was suppose to be two years.
For 18 years, I served on the JDRF volunteer committee re the stationary bike-a-thon and one year on the Toronto Board.
I also enjoyed assisting my friend, the late Joy Reid on helping out at a shelter she started at 416 Dundas…for women and children.
Auum has created The Balanced Heart Mission (BHM) to help children reach their potential. Science proves that omega 3 is a critical factor in neural development and brain function. Our objective is to provide the Auum oil to children who, although labeled by society and the medical community, are often brilliant and can make a difference. BHM is committed to provide Auum Omega 3 free of charge to those who cannot otherwise obtain it.
The results experienced by dozens of children include academic improvements, more affectionate, calm and focused, eliminated migraines, no longer depressed, improved mobility and communications, and more. These improvements expand to benefit the whole family and social circle.
Cheryl’s Video Series on Nutritional Health * Video Online Only
Cheryl’s forward dream next to Auum is to create a nature space so others can come out to appreciate the beauty of nature and be close to the land – perhaps a collaborative effort with like minded people. This place is peaceful, spiritual and fun! It has the largest tree house for kids to climb and to be adventurous (me too as I am a big kid!).
“Celebration Gardens” awakens all the senses: it has glorious beauty in the colours and textures of the many bushes, trees, and plants that grow north of the Canadian border; it has smells and nutritional benefits that appeal to those that are foodies; and it has the sounds of nature like birds and the wind to create peace. It is the place where plants and women to grow!
Cheryl Millet BSc NNCP CCIr, Director of Auum Canada
An Expert in the field of Holistic Nutrition…changing the health of women one bite at a time!
Auum, StayConnected Septemter 2011 CLICK HERE for more information.
“Auum: Leader in Sublingual Supplements Omega 3, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin A.”
….for Your PETS.
There is no place like Auum!
There is no place like ‘A Celebration of Women™!
Cheryl MillettBSc CCIr
Director of Auum Canada
416-413-0345 or 1-866-724-4747
Auum on Facebook www.Facebook.com/AuumOmegas
Auum on YouTube www.YouTube.com/AuumOmega3
Happy New Year…with new beginnings before you. What do you clearly see?1. 2012 and 2013
2. Cheryl’s Choice – Amazing Almonds and Some Surprises
3. Healthy Happenings – upcoming events and NEW Iridology Workshop
4. Looking to Cleanse
5. There’s no place like Auum!Looking Back on 2012 … and embracing 2013
1. 2012 and 2013
Looking back but only for a moment, I see a year that was exciting, learned more about health and living, children grew taller, love grew stronger, new workshops, clarity on the future, travels to South Africa, lessons learned…
For year ahead, I envision more people taking on a healthier lifestyle with first embracing education on nutrition, health and new perspectives.
Special Note: Travelling to Australia from Feb 8 – Mar 10, 2013 to give lectures, consult, business meetings, learn and play. If you know anyone in Brisbane, I will be lecturing at a Yoga Studio the week of Feb 10.
2. Cheryl’s Choice
Everyone makes choices all the time. Choices to eat this or that, to go to a movie or not, to call someone and so on. If you look at what the outcome is and how you feel about it, then your will learn more about your choices.
This month, I have choosen to write about almonds…because many are eating them in large quantities. You know who you are!
Amazing Almonds and Some Surprises
Contact me for consultations…bridge the gaps between now and your true health potential and happiness.3. Healthy Happenings
THIS WEEKEND Annual Women’s Show, Barrie, Bradford Greenhouses
Free Admission. Fantastic Prizes. Stage Seminars.
Visit us at booth #118 (Auum Omegas) this weekend, Jan 5th & 6th at Bradford Greenhouses “2013 Women Show”.
Ask about your passport at the door and visit all vendors participating and you could win a prize.Cheryl Millett will be presenting new perspectives:
Sat 11:15 am – How Omegas Help
Sun 2:30 pm – Nutrition in the 21st Century
For more information check out the website.Iridology Workshops
Jan 7, 2013 at Toronto Health Studio (for Toronto presentations/workshops please join http://www.meetup.com/TorontoHealthExchange/)
Jan 15, 2013 at 7 pm, Alliston RSVP to Carla Therrien auumomegas@hotmail.ca for directions.
“An energetic interesting and informative presentation on Iridology.” Michael R.
“Very informative. It was a nice overview and gave me a better understanding of what iridology was about.” Andrea M
“A good introduction to the subject. Open up the desire to learn more.” Anonymous
“Fascinating! Cheryl’s presentation was just the tip of the iceberg – so much information! But well delivered and obviously very knowledgeable! Thank you Cheryl.” Wendy P.Omega Presentation Wed Jan 9
Nutrition in the 21st Century Mon Jan 21 at Toronto Health Studio
Join the Toronto Health Exchange for details.
Ask me about in-home presentation, workshops and consultations for your family, friends and convenience.
4. Looking to Cleanse
Join several thousand people to balance weight and health using a natural way of cleansing. Contact me (cherylmillett@rogers.com) for more information and a complimentary Personal Health Assessment to determine which program would be best for you.
5. There’s no place like Auum!
Auum Omega 3s with Vitamins A and/or D for a optimum brain functioning and health.
Continued education all year via Wellness Centers, In-homes and meetings.What People are Saying:
– My dog has a healthy coat and just loves it, no forcing or hiding it. She just laps it up. (posted as per Naturalhealthcare.ca)
– Day one! A much increased sense of happiness, clarity & energy. Amazing. Can’t wait to see how much more amazing i can feel! — Sarah
– I can not express the amazing differences I have observed for myself & my son after trying Auum Omega 3.. Wow,,, I always have a willingness to learn & a willingness to change.. So hopefully if you think you are using the best omega 3 now, you will be open to experiences a superior alternative.. — Erin
– I am beginning to feel a shift in my sense of well-being after taking the Omega3’s this past week…more alert, energy, clearer thoughts…try it for yourself. – MaryAnn
– After coming off hormone replacement therapy and taking Auum Sublingual D for several months, my recent test shows an increase in bone density. I will continue using the Auum omegas with Vitmain D3. Thanks! — MoniqueFor more information www.Omega3s4You.com Join us on Facebook! Auum Omegas
Stay tuned for my January interview on Natural Health Summit with several doctors and health experts.
Looking to change to a new communication system this Spring…if you wish to be removed from this email list, please let me know. Thank you. ;o)
Your health! My Passion!
A Celebration of Women™
welcomes Cheryl into our Alumni of WOMEN of ACTION, with open arms.
Brava Cheryl!
Cheryl Millett, BSc NNCP CCIr – WOMAN of ACTION™
June 19, 2012 by