A Celebration of Women™
is elated to Celebrate the Life of this Amazing Example of Faith in Action.
Not only did she Follow her Dream, she left her life as she knew it, taking only a backpack, and engaged on a Journey into Self.
This WOMAN of ACTION found that the Joyof Self ‘is’ in the Service of Others!
Aside from her personal accomplishments, Lai Ping’s greatest achievement is finding a ‘Knowing‘ that the Calling from the Divine Femine is one that every Woman on Earth must heed to experience Inner Peace; and that once committed to listening and working with this Force, all necessaties will be provided, Divinely, in God’s Time.
We now take the Women of our World on a Journey with Lai Ping Lee, one that will enable YOU to realize that the little Voice (frightening persistent, at times) inside You is Alive and Real.
The Woman of Faith will heed and be fearlessly alert to this ‘Calling‘.
Lai Ping Lee
Lai Ping Lee was born and raised in rural Guangdong Province in southern China.
Guangdong Province is situated in the southern part of China mainland. It adjoins Jiangxi and Hunan provinces to the north, Fujian Province to the east, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the west and to the south across the Qiongzhou Strait is the island Province of Hainan. Guangdong province covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers (69,502 square miles) and has permanent population of 74,730,000. It also has 3,368 kilometers (1,300 miles) of winding coastline, which is the longest in the country. Rivers from all over the province meandering through the fertile Pearl River Delta discharges into the South China Sea at the half waypoint of the coastline. The Pearl River Delta is one of China’s most densely cultivated areas. Situated right at the top of this river delta at the confluence of the North River, East River and West River is the provincial capital city of Guangzhou, which was formerly known as Canton to the western world.
Motivated to seek a better life, she accepted an offer from a relative in Toronto to immigrate to Canada. Arriving with a little bit of money and no knowledge of the English language, she took some night classes and started working in Chinatown,
before moving to a fashion store in the Toronto Eaton Centre,
and later changed to a high-end clothing store in Yorkville.
She is also a certified esthetician and worked as a successful image consultant in the retail industry for over ten years.
Travelling Inward is a collection of interrelated, real-life anecdotes of a western Chinese woman who believed in herself, took a leap of faith, and travelled to exotic India for 100 days. Through her ordinary encounters with the extraordinary Indian people, she discovered her life’s purpose in a surprising way.
Travelling Inward is her first book,
and she plans to work on publishing other spiritual books in the near future.
“How can I use words to describe who I am? “
I cannot be defined by my name, my skin colour, my religion, my past, or my accomplishments. I will say, though, that I am a soul, traveling this earth, learning, and discovering. I am someone who loves all beings with an open heart, finds blessings in ordinary miracles, and seeks truth in nature. I am not so different from you.
I realized with unwavering certainty that the generosity, compassion, and unconditional love of the Indian people are worthy of sharing with the world.
Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.
~ Mother Teresa
This is the story of my adventure in exotic India.
They may look like beggars, but they are not less human than me. We all want attention and warmness; they deserves love just as much as I do.
But it is also the story of my spiritual growth,
– a journey inward, to look deeper and to find self-love –
that was made possible by all the extraordinary encounters I had in this amazing country.
The Indian people inspired me to have self-realization:
life is not about me,
it is about being a blessing to others!
Before I travelled to India, I thought that focusing on me was the normal behaviour. But God chose these kindhearted human beings to teach me how to live a truly meaningful life: as I touch someone’s life, it eternally changes my world too.
I write this story out of gratitude and with the wish that it will be an inspiration to all who read it.
Over twenty-some years ago, I dreamed to live a better life and arrived in Toronto as an immigrant from rural China when I was 22 years old. I didn’t speak a word of English. I learned the basics of the English language at ESL class while I was working in Chinatown. It has not been an easy route for me……
Come forward to 2008.
I had a dream that inspired me to go to India for spiritual reasons. I packed my backpack, showed up in India without booking any hotel, tourist, or knowing anyone, and lived there for 100 days in very, very modest conditions of life.
Through this challenging and meaningful adventure, I felt inspired to share the generosity, compassion, and unconditional love of the Indian people as well as my spiritual awakening and growth.
During the last one year of writing and self-publishing this Inward Journey, I was stumbling over countless difficulties; hardly knowing the English language to write, spelling poorly, and often not understanding fundamental rules of grammar. I considered many times to forgo pursuing my big dream. Most people would have given up the idea even before beginning to write, as they faced language barriers and financial obstacles. Nonetheless, I believed that the Indian story was more important than my difficulties; also, I realized that every time I dare to dream big, my life unfolds in incredible ways.
I had made a commitment to live to my full potential,
and I hold on to my belief that I have the capability to live my dreams.
And so, with my courage and determination, I decided to put everything aside, including my pursuit of a 9-5 job, my social life, and I remortgaged my house to have the financial support necessary for me to live my dream.
I slept and ate with the dictionary and computer for up to 15 hours a day for 9 months.
I overcame my fears of poverty, frustrations with English, and other breakdowns and I still kept showing self-discipline. I focused on my big dream and persistently committed to write, re-write, re-write, polish, take criticism, re-write, pay not just one but three editors money to give me more criticism, and re-write…
Within one year, I accomplished my goals and my big dream became a reality, even though I’d never thought it was possible for a person who spoke English poorly to have the ability to write and self-publish a book.
But I learned to dare to let my music be heard, to believe in myself, to believe in the Divine Force when She gave me a dream, and She also gave me the ‘Power to achieve the impossible’.
So, if I could triumph in such a challenging task, I believe it is important for me to help others to realize that they have the ability to accomplish their dreams as well.
I share my story in hopes it will inspire you, leave an imprint on you to dare to dream big. Because when you keep demonstrating you have the strength to follow your impossible dream, the Divine Force will show up and help you to move the mountain.
“This is my wish for You:
Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.”Namaste.
Lai Ping’s sayings that she holds onto…..
“By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest;
second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is the most bitter.”
~ Confucius
* Video included. Online Only.
Turn Obstacle Into Miracle is shared by Lai Ping Lee .
Lai Ping Lee – WOMAN of ACTION™
May 24, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: WOMEN of ACTION™ Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, author, best sellers, BOOK, China, Chinese women, Confusius, dream, dreams, experience, faith, follow your dream, God's Time, India, Indian women, Lai Ping Lee, spiritual, Take Action, Tavelling Inward, Thailand, TRAVEL, woman, Woman of Action, WOMAN of ACTION - Lai Ping Lee, women taking action, women.