We need to follow a paradigm of thriving transformation, versus the defensive, protectionist, paradigm of survival.
We are overshadowed
by a culture of perpetuation, of continuation,
of static, status quo mentality.
The cry, the plea, the tactics of strategic failure are:
preserve what you have
versus heed what you may fail to gain.
Zen, as a spiritual discipline . . .
is consistently opposed to rigidity.
Fixity is death; fluidity is life.
Winston L. King
The universe is organized to prompt, to stir, to arouse
and to awaken, more primitive species
and to stimulate, to support, to uphold
and to cherish more evolved transformations.
We are meant to evolve.
Now, we have a choice:
find within: adequate patterns
that use, that can use,
in dynamic ideals and intricate optimums,
a place to organize, to position and to posture:
o j j j f j j j o
These patterns are intelligent
because they relate more, to more,
more extensively, more effectively and more appropriately.
The opportunity is expiring
to explore the old patterns and the cults of free standing existence.
These are superstitions of science and of religion.
We can, no longer, advocate independence.
The stand alone furnishing
of the separated, isolated, alienated self,
the prominent ego,
will not be supported by nature itself.
There always has been an efficiency,
a release of exportable energy,
by means of skillful, harmonic, combinations.
Complexity and intricacy, elegance and gracefulness,
have always yielded advantages.
Have what you use
and use what you have.
That requires a nature, a character, an orientation,
an easy flow toward, to, into, within and through,
out of and from, metabolically,
of energy and of substance (energy concentrations).
The profuse, indulgent, luxurious, sumptuous,
furnishing of the futile attempt at positioning one’s self,
at a pinnacle of power and privilege
can not and will not work,
in the world now unfolding.
Anchorage, connection to the whole,
versus attachment to the partial,
becomes the theme to follow.
This anchorage changes at least two things:
- there are no enemies
- we are mutually interdependent.
Differences do not qualify someone as an enemy
even though there are adamantly held
and preferred differences.
Just negotiate.
Here, this is what I am taking into account.
What are you taking into account?
Can we figure out, between us,
what is true, what is valid or what is operational?
At such a moment of negotiation,
there may even be some deliberation,
about who goes first
and about the allotment of time or of attention.
Open, allow, yield, receive.
Communication requires attention
as much as it requires advocacy.
Morality requires that we are self-governed.
We are not manipulated and controlled,
not even persuaded or dominated.
We assert and we affirm
and we submit and we yield,
with complementarity.
Cooperation is transcended in principles of oneness.
The organism, as a whole, infers and implies
a very full coordination,
between the intransitive and the transitive.
The intransitive is what we (the celf) or the cell,
the module of life,
do, in behalf of ourselves (the whole of our being).
However, if we are to benefit,
by the system gains of the whole organism,
we must yield an exportable function or product
as cells or as celves.
Society must become the organism.
© 2011, ECOhealth / Eve Revere Orig. August 13th, 2010 Edit: January 28th, 2011
My Archived Writings, at YMLP (2010 only)
My Archived Writings, at Google Docs
EVE REVERE: The YIN MIND – Thriving Transformation versus survival
April 26, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, WOMEN BLOGGERS Tagged With: allow, celf, celves, Eve Revere, evolve, graceful, intelligent pattern, interdependent, intransitive, negotiate, oneness, open, orgnism, principle, receive, relate, religion, science, self-govern, society, superstition, survival, thrive, transform, transitive, Winston L. King, yield, Zen