11th Council Gathering, July 26th – 29th, 2012, Lame Deer, Montana‏

11th Council Gathering

July 26-29, 2012

Northern Cheyenne reservation, Lame Deer, Montana

Gratitude Brings Freedom


This is my gratitude to my spiritual ancestors for the expression of freedom to come home. Gratitude is the most direct way to spiritual growth. – Grandmother Margaret Behan


Grandmother Margaret Behan “Red Spider Woman”



With a prayer of hope, The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers are once again coming together for the healing of our planet and all of life. For this 11th Council Gathering, we are joining Grandmother Margaret Behan and her people in a gathering on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in Lame Deer, Montana, USA. We have been invited by Grandmother Margaret to her home, on the sacred land where Arapaho, Lakota and Cheyenne Tribes came together to rest and heal.

Grandmother Margaret invites us all to her home in a traditional encampment for 4 days– eating, sleeping and praying together. With the intention to heal generational traumas, sacred dancers and local Elders join the 13 Council Grandmothers for prayers, ceremony, and teachings. Grandmother Margaret’s wisdom, love, compassion and hope is guiding this 11th Council to be a time of healing and inspiration for us all.



Click here


For any question regarding the registration and payments or events details, please contact our registrar, Rebecca Rodriguez at rebeccarodriguez333@yahoo.com.




Lame Deer, Montana


July 26th – 29th, 2012

Traditional Cheyenne Encampment

With respect and honor for the Northern Cheyenne people and the beautiful Montana land, may we bring our sincere prayers and leave gentle footprints.

Grandmother Margaret believes we are once again facing a challenge to preserve what was entrusted to us; Our Earth and the Spirit within each of us that binds us to Her, and all Her inhabitants. Grandmother Margaret believes we need to come together once again….Many tribes coming together as ONE TRIBE, an interwoven web, to rest and heal the generational traumas we have all endured. “It’s time for healing” she says….”It’s already begun”.




Can’t join us in Montana?

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support the Grandmothers’ prayer for peace.

Center for Sacred Studies | P.O. Box 745 | Sonora | CA | 95370

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