WOMAN of ACTION™ – Julie Nelson


A Celebration of Women™

 is elated to Celebrate the Life of yet another Amazing Women, one that took a Critical Happening in her life, and used that experience to seek out a better way. Through her Journey of healing her own daughter, this Woman has created a business in the industry of Aromatherapy, having her own experiences as proof that it works.

Celebrate here with us today, as you enjoy the Journey of one Women’s Heart finding not only her Calling, but her Soul, while searching to save another, her Daughter. She is now here to help the Women of our World, in the area of healing, wellbeing and living a better, fuller life in general. She is now a certified educator in this field, nature’s way with aromatherapy.




Julie Nelson



As a young girl I always thought there was something out there that I was suppose to be doing ~ something special,

however I just didn’t know what.


I gave birth to a beautiful girl when I was 30 and she was the most beautiful gift I had ever received. Amy has, is and will always be my greatest teacher in life and I am so grateful to be graced with her!

Amy was born 2 months premature, weighing 1190 grams and to cut a long story short she was diagnosed at birth with T.O.F which is trachea oesophageal fistula. On day one of birth she had major surgery to cut and join her oesophagus, with this came many complications and more surgery through out her life. At the age of 6 months she was diagnosed with a Chronic lung condition (not CF)I am pleased to say.

What is a tracheoesophageal fistula?

A fistula (say “fist-you-lah”) is a connection between 2 of the body’s tubes. A tracheoesophageal (say “tray-key-oh-ee-sof-ah-gee-all”) fistula is when the trachea (the breathing tube that connects the nose and mouth with the lungs) and the esophagus (the swallowing tube) are connected. These tubes aren’t normally connected. When they are connected, food or milk can get into your baby’s lungs when he or she swallows. This can cause breathing problems and even pneumonia (say “new-mone-yah”).

Amy ‘s oesophagus was not fully formed and bridged at both ends into her trachea.

I am very happy and filled with gratitude to say that my beautiful young woman

has recently turned 22 and is doing well!

With all of this I felt helpless and wanted so much to be able to give more,

as sometimes Orthodox medicine was just not enough.

What could I do?

I was a desperate Mother.



One day I was out shopping and came across this little new age gift shop

and there they were ~ essential oils.

Website: http://www.aromatiqueessentials.com.au


I started smelling them,

and was amazed at how instantly they made me feel good,



I was like a child in a toy shop!


Geranium, patchouli and bergamot were my first;



and I used them in the bath, the burner and made body oils to apply.



I decided to follow this up and went searching for a place to study Aromatherapy.


I was hooked!


It took me 3 years to get my Diploma in Aromatherapy.



I set up a small practice at home as I was a single mother and needed to have flexibility. (by the way I worked as a student helper at the college I was studying at which helped me to pay my course fees). After sometime time, a lecturing position in ‘Aromatherapy an Introduction’ came up and I applied.

I taught at Nature Care College in Sydney for 12 years



in between I lectured at Australasian College of Natural Therapies



and Ella Bache` school of Beauty.



Aromatherapy is one of my greatest passions in life!



I have been involved with aromatherapy for around 17 years now.

How did I find this beautiful fragrant world of Aromatherapy?


I have used Aromatherapy and essential oils to support my daughter through out her life to improve her immune system, up lift her emotions, treat wounds, scars and chronic recurring lung infections. I know that these beauties from Mother Nature we are gifted with have made a huge and amazing difference in our lives by giving support on all levels, physiologically, emotionally and spiritually.




I am on a mission to educate every one, especially women and children, on how they can safely use aromatherapy and essential oils in there home to greatly improve the quality of their lives.


Aromatique Essentials – “Capture the Essence of Your Soul


Aromatherapy today is now being recognised as one of the most successful supportive treatments for many psychological and emotional conditions as well as many common conditions.

I especially want to educate women with cancer as many of the products they use on their skin everyday are very harmful. It is important to know what we have available to us and then we can make the choice. I truly believe in and practice Aromatherapy everyday of my life.


~ To your Health, Wellbeing and Success in all that you do ~


I am always happy to answer questions on Aromatherapy so that you may understand more of how you can easily and effortlessly use essential oils in your everyday lives.


Julie Nelson


Aromatique Essentials


Website: http://www.aromatiqueessentials.com.au
Email: julie@aromatiqueessentials.com.au


A Celebration of Women™

sends our blessings to this aromatique spirit ;

we are elated to have her here for the Women of our World.


Brava Julie!



Copyright 2022 @ A Celebration of Women™ The World Hub for Women Leaders That Care