Species and environments
coexist and coevolve.
When, where and even asa species fails:
to regard, to respect and to relate to or to acknowledge
the environment upon which that species depends,
it is expelled; it is made to be extinct.
Human beings
have exploited, have dominated and have controlled,
instead of tending, nurturing, even honouring
the natural environment.
There is a whole network of forces and of fieldsthat interact with the biology, the anatomy and the physiology
of every species, of every organ,
of every tissue and of every cell.
These forces and these fields
are both interactive and interdependent.
Galaxies interact with and are interdependent with stars.Each star, in each place,
contains and conveys
energies and patterns,
even rates of change
of energies and of patterns
with some uniqueness.
We have ignored, denied,
even shunned our dependencies upon nature.
We have established and we have nurtured fears.
We have territorialized the self.
Now, nature is arousing, awakening and stirring,
even challenging those boundaries of self.
Since 1901, the magnetic energy of the sunhas increased by 230%.
That magnetic energy will
impart forces, influences and promptings.
Something will happen, relentlessly,
in response to that increasing energy output
falling upon the earth.
You can search and you can findan increase in earthquakes,
an increase in volcanic eruptions,
an increase in severe storms
and a shift in currents
in the atmosphere and in the oceans.
Life itself is being affected.We must open to, yield to and respond to
this flow of energy.
We must adapt.
Resistance is futile.
We must live, with increased intensity.Life is a flow.
Life is a flow toward, to, into, within and through
out of and from the organism or the species.
Green life can grow, can photosynthesize,can generate CH2 bonds
from water and CO2 (carbon dioxide).
Herbivores and omnivores can eat
the green intensity
as it has evolved within such as rainforests.
The monoculture of ordinary agricultureis not sufficiently efficient and effective.
We need the multilevel intensitiesof rainforests.
Grasses are monocotyledons
with shallow root structures.
Dicotyledons are deep tap root plants.
We need to combine them.
This is the way we find them in rainforests.
Every strata of soiland every strata of atmosphere
is organized, adaptively
in rainforests.
A new culture of greater sophisticationis required.
Notice how nature does it.
Examine old wilderness areas.
Let us learnto regard, to respect and to relate
to the organisms upon which we depend.
These are the right three (3) r’s.
The rong 3 r’s, (see the document with that title)in sets,
are readin’, ritin’ an ‘rithmetic
and regret, resentment and remorse.
© 2011, ECOhealth / Eve Revere
Original: February 14th, 2011
Edited: February 16th, 2011
My Archived Writings, at Google DocsMy Archived Writings, at YMLP
Eve REVERE – The YIN MIND: The Right Three (3) R’s
March 24, 2012 by admin
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