Join Embodiment Expert Leela Francis
Nutrition Expert Daphne CohnFor
Intuitive, Healthy & Stress-Free Eating
(Especially over the holidays)Learn:
• How to eat stress-free at any meal, any where
• Why pleasure is VITAL to your health
• Tthe secret to feeding your body what she wants, every time
• Why it’s so hard to stop eating (and what you can do about it)Thursday December 15th 5pm PST/8pm EST
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Daphne Cohn | Pleasure Nutritionist ™:
Daphne Cohn is a Whole Health Educator, Raw Food Specialist, Spiritual Counselor and Certified Sister Goddess.
She is also a recovering emotional eater and “low self-esteemer” who, as a forever late bloomer, didn’t begin to recognize how amazing she is until some pretty incredible people starting showing her the light.
Daphne graduated from the University of California at Davis with a double major in French Lit and Women’s Studies. She soon realized how utterly useless both majors were in the world of business and commerce so she went to live for three years at a Zen monastery in Northern California. There she realized that everyone suffers but nobody needs to.
A few years later she married a wonderful guy, had two kids and moved to upstate New York. Passionate about food and all things food-related, Daphne went back to school to study Whole Health Education and nutrition.
After years of study, teaching and counseling Daphne saw that what women struggled with more than aches and pains, low-energy and too much fat, was low self-esteem.
Daphne continues to guide women around the world in making deliciously healthy food choices, losing weight and dramatically increasing energy but more important (or so she feels), Daphne is dedicated to living out her most inspiring self and guiding women to create a delicious-food-eating, energy soaring, body loving, fabulously fun life.
Leela Francis | Creator of Vividly Woman Tools & Embodied Leader Training:
Leela Francis is an internationally acclaimed dance/movement facilitator of more than twenty years. An esteemed industry expert in the field of body consciousness, self actualization and soulful, personal healing work, Leela’s diverse studies, extensive trainings, holistic shamanic initiations and her own rich personal life experience, add depth, dimension and resounding credibility to her coaching with individuals and groups both in the US and abroad.
After years of training as a dance performer and competitor, Leela turned to dance for her own personal healing after the sudden loss of her father at a very young age. Dealing with that grief, in addition to worthiness & infertility issues, led her on an enriching journey back to wholeness by finding that place of self worth through dance, giving her the personal tools and real-life practices to rediscover her sensual, spiritual and innate creative power living within her body, so that she can support that glorious, fulfilling pathway “home” for other women.”
Leela’s knowledge base as an Integrative Body therapist, popular yoga instructor, shamanic dance and sacred circle facilitator, have empowered and guided individual transformation to the lives of thousands of recipients of her gifts worldwide
VividExistence and VividlyWoman • PO Box 431 • Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026
Leela Francis – Intuitive, Healthy and Stress Free Eating
December 12, 2011 by Team Celebration
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