The Courage to Speakâ Foundation
Courage to Speak-
Courageous Parenting 101®
in English & Spanish
A FREE 3-session substance abuse education and prevention program for parents wishing to arm themselves with the knowledge of how to keep their children safeWHEN: October 20th at 6:30 pmWHERE: West Rocks Middle School81 West Rocks Road, Norwalk, CTContinuing October 27th & November 3rd at 6:30 pm
A Light Dinner Fare will be Served at 6:00 pmChild Care Provided with Response
Watch the Education Notebook on News Channel 12October 15th and 16th for more information
This FREE 3-Session Program Will Cover: 1. Teen Drug Use Trends & Party Culture; What is a Drug?; What is Addiction?; Drug Effects & Consequences
2. The Adolescent Brain; Why Kids Use Drugs; Helping Kids Handle Stress, Anger & Other Emotions; Age Appropriate Prevention Messages; Parenting Styles; Setting Expectations & Boundaries; Media Influence on Teen Substance Abuse
3. Establishing & Enforcing Healthy Expectations & Limits for Teens; Effective Communication Strategies; Protective Factors & Developmental Assets; Warning Signs of Substance Abuse; Where to Find Help & More
This program is for PARENTS ONLY & each session will be 2 hours long – including discussion groups
(The first session will be extended a half hour for
Ginger Katz’s Presentation of Ian’s Story)
The program will be facilitated by:
English- Dawn Roy, LCSW
Spanish- Millie Seguinot, Community Health Educator.
Yale University Evaluation Key Findings of the Evaluation Indicated that Parents who Took the Program Reported a Significant Increase in:
- General communication with their child
- Communication with their child about alcohol & other drugs
- Parents’ knowledge about their children’s lives
- Parents’ confidence in their ability to intervene & prevent their child from using alcohol, tobacco & other drugs
- Parents’ confidence in their knowledge of alcohol, tobacco & other drugs & their ability to recognize the warning signs of substance abuse in their children
- Parents’ confidence that they would tell the parents or their children’s friends if the friends were using alcohol, tobacco & other drugs
You may register for this program online in English or Spanish. Please select one of the links below to sign-up now.
Space is limited
CLICK HERE to learn more aboutCourage to Speak- Courageous Parenting 101â
If you would like to see all ofThe Courage to Speak- Courageous Parenting 101â programs rolling out this fall, please see our SCHEDULE
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Thank you for your ongoing support!
The Courage to Speakâ Foundation
“Saving Lives by Empowering Youth to be Drug Free and Ecouraging Parents to Communicate Effectively with Their Children About the Dangers of Drugs”
161 East Avenue, Suite 14
Norwalk, CT 06851
The Courage to Speak Foundation | 161 East Ave., Suite 14 | Norwalk | CT | 06851(203) 831-9700
The Courage to Speakâ Foundation – Ginger Katz – November 2011
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