The PAIN Relief World SUMMIT
OCTOBER 3, 2011
Everyone experiences physical pain from time
to time. Unfortunately, some people suffer with
chronic pain. My beloved grandfather was one
of them.I wish I knew then what I know now …
Imagine a world where physical pain could
no longer harm you. Where migraines, arthritis,
back pain, joint pain, or the 10 years of post-
shingles pain my “Poppy” lived with could no
longer wreak havoc in a family’s life.And imagine not having to resort to side-effect
laden painkillers to get there.Well, my friends at The Tapping Solution have
invited the Healer’s Way community to a landmark
fr*ee online event that focuses on exactly this.>> The Pain Relief World Summit October 3rd
During the event you’ll discover a groundbreaking
solution to physical pain. One that merges ancient
Chinese acupressure and modern psychology
into a practice known as ‘Tapping’.How effective is it? Just see the bottom of this
email to read one of the hundreds of letters that
the folks at The Tapping Solution have received.I’ve tapped for headaches and sore muscles,
loss of circulation and a screwy hip. I know
these folks are on to something, and this online
event could be a major turning point for many.If you or someone you love is dealing with
physical pain, this will be well worth your while.
Tapping is an invaluable tool that’s easy to shareHere’s some topics they’ll be covering
– Relieving back, neck and shoulder pain
– Releasing pain caused by an accident
– Eliminating joint pain and stiffness
– Tapping to deal with pain related to cancer
and its treatments– Using EFT tapping for fibromyalgia
– The emotional components to physical pain
– Before and after surgeries to speed up healing
– Eliminating headaches and debilitating migraines
>> you can go here to book your complimentary spot
Many blessings,
Oh! and be sure to pass this on to anyone you
know whose looking for relief from pain“We had great success with last night’s tapping.
While my husband, Larry, was tapping he had a
lot pain in his right knee. It went away after tapping,
but then his left knee started burning.So, we paused the audio and kept tapping, one
more time and guess what? That pain left too!! He
realized that all of these years he had been holding
his tension in his lower legs! Then we realized that,
that is where his family (Mom & Dad) always ALWAYS
complained of pain.They ran a restaurant and always blamed the hours
they stood on concrete for everything. We realized
that this is where Larry probably picked up the same
complaint. Anyway, what an eye opener!! We LOVE
this tapping and are already sharing it with our friends.
Thanks again!”-Judy Gardner
The PAIN Relief World SUMMIT – Oct. 3, 2011, Register Here FREE !!!
September 9, 2011 by