A Message From VERONICAReincarnational Process
“Many have written to us about the idea of their reincarnational process. It is important for all souls to perceive the value of such a system… each life a gift that constructs the soul’s participation in the linear.
Since the soul is eternal it is necessary for the dense linear experience to be multifaceted. This is defined by the concept that not every life will be easy or pleasant.
We have been queried about these more difficult lives as to why they are necessary. Certainly incarnating into misery should be eliminated from the process… or should they?
If one truly adheres to a nonphysical multidimensional process, the need for a full rounded “look” at all aspects of a linear life is paramount to the evolution of the soul. Since that is precisely the root of the physical participation it is a moment that truly cannot be eliminated from the full experience.
We realize while in the physical form it is quite common to establish a belief system that can single out the current life as the total + full experience. Many have expressed a desire to stop the reincarnational process because they feel it’s either unnecessary or too difficult to continue.
The “personality” may decide from its singular view that the experience is too harsh or unhelpful to achieve union with its higher entity. We suggest that once out of the dense linear experience most energies change that viewpoint by observing the full picture.
Be mindful that we are not diminishing the perspective of the eternal soul in a more unpleasant linear. We often counsel personalities how to better understand their situations and perhaps create the moment of ease that they seek.
We merely offer perspective of the process as a whole so that the desired evolution of the soul may be achieved.
Be assured that if once out of physical form you truly desire to no longer incarnate, it can and will be created by your consciousness.
We only advise to be aware of the perspective offered by the denseness of linear existence, especially all of the viewpoints, both positive + negative.
Both are required for a full evolution of your soul… which is why you are there [in the physical].”
Reincarnational Process – VERONICA, Spiritual Messages
July 18, 2011 by admin
Filed Under: FEATURED, VERONICA - INNER WHISPERS Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, evolution, evolution of your soul, life and death, linear, non-linear, nonphysical multidimensional process, Reincarnational Process, soul, soul is eternal, spiritual messages, spiritual women, Veronica, women taking action